Is something wrong?


Mar 14, 2005
Ontario, Canada
My site, was submitted to a long while ago.

It's been several edits and my site does not appear? Hear me, this is not a status update. I'm just wondering, there is another site(younger than mine) that is called Heh, it and other sites have less unique content than mine.

So what am I asking? Is there a problem with my submission? Or is it just waiting still? Whoa, that sounded dangerously like a status update... Hmm...

How about a sutile wink and nod if theres no problem with it in terms of name problem...


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
I'm just wondering, there is another site(younger than mine) that is called Heh, it and other sites have less unique content than mine.

I can understand how this might cause confusion, but think it through. Editors do not look at all possible sites and determine which is the oldest so as to review it first. (How indeed could they?) Nor do they REVIEW all possible sites to determine which has most content, to list that one first. (That would be an extraordinary waste of time!)

So the only possible result is that there can be no relationship whatsoever between site publication date and listing date, or between site size and listing date.

Which is, in fact, what you see.

So there is nothing in what you see that could possibly be any other way -- and therefore there is nothing in what you see to worry about.

The worry, of course, is that since the order of site reviews is "random" from your perspective (and from my perspective also, concerning all other editors' work), then there is no way to predict when a particular site will be reviewed, and there is no date of which you can say "by this time the site must have been reviewed."

That "indeterminacy" is often regarded as a weakness of the ODP approach. Since it is a valuable counterpoise to other, greater weaknesses, I do not so regard it. But it certainly means that the ODP cannot be depended on for commercial website promotion purposes (which is fine, that was never its intent anyway.)


Mar 14, 2005
Ontario, Canada
Hehe, I wouldn't flag my site has commerical. I end up paying out and never charge. In fact, I never have.

But, thanks. I thought I could have been hit with a techincal problem. Or flaged as a spammer.

Heh, I remember submitting my site once a week before I heard of this forums and found out that was a no-no.
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