Is there a problem with


Curlie Meta
Oct 8, 2002
piotr_krk said:
Is my website having some problems?
Why ask us? If a website has any problems to my opinion the owner should be the first to know. ;)
If you are asking about the status of your suggestion. We won't answer questions like that anymore. Please read our FAQ.


Oct 9, 2004
piotr_krk said:
I have submitted to this category:

Days goes by, I search the URL address on DMOZ.ORG everyday... Is my website having some problems? Pls let me know.

CracowOnline is a non-profit project to make the city of Cracow popular on the Internet and thus in the real-life.

Thanks for your attention.

I like the look and feel of your website.

However, personally, I would be careful to call it an NPO to promote your geogrpahical area with it's main purpose appearing to be advertising for lodging and real estate. Also, the repeated use of hidden text in your code may not hurt your efforts with OPD, but may find you in trouble with some search engines.
<!-- Cracow Online Krakow Travel Guide Restaurants Pubs Apartments Cracow Hotels Krakow Poland -->

In stead of checking DMOZ daily, spend the time on perfecting your site. Cleaning the code at W3C may help it be better liked by search engine robots, which will have a more immediate ROI of your time. I doubt few, if any editors would care if your code is valid as long as your content and site are good, but it will make a difference in getting listed and ranked in some engines. The time you waste checking DMOZ daily could be another quality page of content, corrected code errors, or another link with a relevant, quality website.

I hope it works out for you. Good things come to those who wait ... and I would venture to add ... who work for them.

Good luck!

P.S. shoot me a PM - I'll let you list in my online reference directory without a recip - I don't want to post the link here and get my hands slapped :)
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