Is there really an Editor for my page??


Oct 24, 2005
I think the Directory idea is wonderful, however, I have been UNABLE to get my site listed. I have become so frustrated with the length of time this has been "hanging" out there that I have offerred twice to be an Editor - both times I was refused. I have submitted, resubmitted and my host has submitted, we're getting a big - NO RESPONSE on the other end.

If someone is a volunteer Editor and they do not have the time, they need to revisit their commitment to this project. Their lack of time is having an affect on new businesses coming into the Directory & it is completely unfair to the new business owner trying to register. There are people with the time or would make time to commit to this Directory.

If anyone can help, I would really appreciate it. Since there are no contact or help features within the directory submission process it really leaves one feeling there is no help available to correct this.


Curlie Meta
Oct 8, 2002
I think it would be usefull if you first read our FAQ.
Than remember "DMOZ is not a listing service". What you are asking isn't a service DMOZ is providing to you (or anybody else).
One of my fellow editors wrote these wise words.
We cannot say when a review will take place but when it does, if your site meets all the guidelines and has sufficient unique content, then the site should be listed at that time.


Curlie Admin
Sep 18, 2002
Have you read our FAQs?

If someone is a volunteer Editor and they do not have the time, they need to revisit their commitment to this project. Their lack of time is having an affect on new businesses coming into the Directory & it is completely unfair to the new business owner trying to register. There are people with the time or would make time to commit to this Directory.
Firstly, new editors aren't refused because someone else is already listed in a category. Ergo, an editor who isn't very active isn't preventing a new editor from being accepted to any category.

Secondly, you can't force an ODP listing. You suggest your site (and your post seems to indicate that you've well overdone that step) and then you forget about it. You have no control over it from that point on. Someone will review it eventually but we don't promise a specific time frame.

If anyone can help, I would really appreciate it. Since there are no contact or help features within the directory submission process it really leaves one feeling there is no help available to correct this.
We no longer give status checks here and posting here will not result in your site being reviewed.


Jan 23, 2003
it is completely unfair to the new business owner trying to register.


There is nothing unfair.

A new business owner, just like an old business owner, and a nonprofit, and a hobby site are all given the exact same deal:

Submit once to the single best category.

That is it. Once you have done that there is nothing else that you can do.

We don't promise to list anyone's site.
We don't make any commitment as to how long it will take us to review your suggestion.
We don't promise to communicate the results of our review, when it happens.
We didn't take any money or any fees from you.
We don't profit by selling our results.

What you are really whining about is that we have not singled you out for special treatment.

We have not moved you to the head of the (nonexistant) line.

We have not (unsuccessfully) tried to force a volunteer to look at your suggestion.

At least that's the way I see it.


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
You are being extremely unfair to the volunteers. According to you, nobody shall be permitted to try to help anyone until he has accepted the obligation that you choose to impose on him. Unfortunately, this is not an acceptable condition. You may impose any obligation you wish upon people who post on your website, but that is the limit of your just and fair rights.


Aug 11, 2004
plh06410 said:
Their lack of time is having an affect on new businesses coming into the Directory & it is completely unfair to the new business owner trying to register.
I find this one the most common misconceptions out there. Web masters and business owners put way too much weight on ODP as a means of marketing. A DMOZ listing will help some but not nearly as much as people seam to think. There are so many other channels to promote a site these days and I would suggest that you seek them out instead of being frustrated with one single directory. Remember, the web user who finds the ODP directory useful is the customer of the ODP, not a webmaster or business of any particular site. ;)


Apr 15, 2003
I find it a continuing source of wonderment as to why forcing an editor to quit will increase the number of sites being reviewed. If an editor only does one edit in a category every two months, perhaps that is not good enough for your standards, but it does mean at the end of a year - 12 more sites have been reviewed.

Now if we force him to quit, then at the end of a year, 12 fewer sites got reviewed. I just don't get it.

If your really want things to speed up, then read the guidelines, volunteer your time and become a good editor in the same categroy as that guy that is not pulling his weight. Because right now you aren't doing anything to help, and that lazy editor is reviewing twelve more sites a year than you are.


Jan 23, 2003
Bobrat has consistently sucked up to the admins, so now he gets double credit for all his edits. :eek:


Apr 15, 2003
I'm assuming on each edit he sent one to topical and one to regional :rolleyes: :p :eek:


May 26, 2002
Seriously if the thousand editors that did 10 or 20 edits a year were removed, then there would be 10 000 to 20 000 less sites added per year.

If we could find 10 volunteers who would edit 1000 or 2000 sites per year each then we wouldn't want them as replacements for the 1000 editors we let go.... we would want all of those people to be editing... however much they actually did.

That way we would get twice as much done.


Aug 11, 2004
Ok ok ok. So if you have 10 editors and 3 of them did 11 edits twice a month, 6 did 3 edits once a week and 1 did 5 every 3 months, I would probably still keep all of them. I think. No wait… Ok yes I would still keep them. :)
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