Is there way to delete my submitted request?



Forgive me! I submitted one customer's site to the regional category just now, and moment later I found it has been already in somewhere in deep regional location. Is there any way to delete or stop my submission? Please help.
Many thanks,


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
We appreciate your concern.

Normally, this really isn't a big problem. When the site is reviewed again, the editor will immediately see that it's already listed in a subcategory, and can immediately delete it. Very little harm done, and no need at all to panic. You aren't going to get a nomination for "spammer of the year" THAT easily.

The submittal guidelines say, "submit to the ONE most appropriate category," but for a legitimate site, our "aggressive spamocide" mode doesn't kick in until well after two submittals. (Of course, ONE submittal of an inappropriate site can trigger spamocide.)
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