Is this a quality control issue? New site with little content suddenly listen...


Apr 21, 2005
You may recall I posted a long thread in the now defunct site status check forum a year ago, almost to the day. At any rate, without mentioning specific domain names, and without mentioning my domain or asking for a "status update"...

Would it be a quality control issue, if a site, very similar to mine and many others, that has only been up for about 7 days, and has very little content for the category it's in... is suddenly accepted?

And several others that have been doing the very same thing for 4 to 5+ years, are not? It looks very suspicious that they are also listed in about 20-30 other categories, which may be justifiable, I didn't look at all those.

I'm just curious whether you would consider this a quality control issue and investigate it or not. It seems to me that this new site has a very large budget, and it would be quite easy for them to get themselves listed in about any directory in just a few days, even this one, if they knew the right editor. And they have been making a wide concerted effort to get themselves listed in every directory and on every blog they possibly can. If it were up to me, I would at least talk to the editor(s) involved...


Curlie Admin
Sep 18, 2002
If you feel there is something wrong, please feel free to file an abuse report on it and someone will take a look. Otherwise, it's difficult to deal in abstracts and, since you're suggesting the possibility of abuse, it wouldn't be appropriate to talk about specifics here.


Apr 21, 2005
-- EDIT --

They fixed the issue. Thank you ODP!

If that one was put in, perhaps without the best intentions, I think the other 40 or so might want to be looked at. They obviously can afford to get links in ODP through some editor, perhaps.


Nov 7, 2006
I hope not, but if he's crooked we want to catch him just as bad as you do, it makes us all look bad.


Apr 21, 2005
Thanks for replying and being helpful.

I don't hate that site, just didn't understand the disparity, but then I saw their URL redirected, and that was a little hard to swallow.

But thank you for being responsive and helpful, I really appreciate it, and I feel a lot better about DMOZ, not that that really matters to you guys, but... just saying, glad you are out to get the bad ones too.


Nov 7, 2006
I didn't do it, I just wanted to pipe up.

But thank you for being responsive and helpful, I really appreciate it, and I feel a lot better about DMOZ, not that that really matters to you guys, but... just saying, glad you are out to get the bad ones too.

Yes, it does matter, but we can't always give people what they want. This is one issue that we can agree on (if it turns out to be editor abuse, which I don't know that it is).

I would, personally, not enter this forum unless I thought I could try to help the public become more informed, and I'm fairly certain the other editors feel the same, but I don't speak for them. :)
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