Is this possible that some categories have no editor ?


Jul 1, 2005

I ve suggested four web site to that i v done 3 months ago to dmoz.og. ( International Auction ) submitted 1 month ago,
"Top: Shopping: Auctions" ( Industrial Website for a client ) submitted 1 month ago,
and ( Industrial Website for a client ), submitted 3 months ago
"Top: World: Français: Régional: Europe: France: Commerce et économie: Produits et services industriels: Machinerie et outillage: Outillage" ( Website about negociation of copiers on europe ), submitted 3 months ago
"Top: World: Français: Commerce et économie: Services aux entreprises: Fournitures de bureau: Matériel: Distributeurs"

All these websites have a serious content and elaborated design.

The question is not about the status of submission but if it s possible that there is no editor for the category i choose for each of them... How can i know if there is nobody to moderate these category.

Should i resubmit all these websites ?

And can i postulate for these categories to become an editor ? ( meaning editor for these three different categories )

Hoping that you would understand my poor level in english...Have a nice day...

Best regards

Michalski-Dylag Lucas


Jan 21, 2003
If you want to be an editor you should start with a single category and not with several categories at the same time ;-).


May 26, 2002
If there is no editor, then I fail to understand why resubmitting a suggestion that is already there would change anything; there would still be no editor.

If you suggest to multiple categories, then you begin to look like a spammer: you would be causing us more work in categories where there is already too much work for the person not there.

Happily there are many people who can edit anywhere in the directory; someday one of those will pass by and may review the site. No one can say who that might be, or when it will happen.


Aug 2, 2004
i understand it very well... I ask it in order to know what is the way of comportment to have in such situation...

ODP is the fruit of a big work and we have to respect it and not disturb the difficult work of editor...

Thanks for the post ;)


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
The site submittal form is there for you to help the editor by suggesting a site that might be relevant for that category.

Once you've done that, there's nothing more you can do to help the editor.


May 3, 2005
I hate to flame you, but all four of your websites had serious flaws. The first one threw two critical errors and used the PHP die() function to exit without any content. The next two had huge footers of mysql errors, and the last one wouldn't load at all.


Apr 1, 2005
If the sites are down at the moment - not to worry, AFAIK many editors will hold a broken site for some time to see if it comes back online (although im slightly sceptical as to why 4 supposedly distinct websites get the same SQL/php errors at the same time).

If you want to be certain, you can re-submit the same URL's once (in your lifetime) to the same category when they are back online, although this will delay review if the editor browses the category sorted by date_of_submission.

Anyone more experienced in that part of the directory feel free to correct me if im wrong ;)


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
Editors may (or may not) hold a non-working site to recheck later. It all boils down to a matter of the most efficient way to find good sites.

(1) A site that has been listed once will be more likely to be kept. That's because there is the presumption that the site was once valuable; also that the webmaster is at least theoretically able to make it work.

(2) A site that suggests it has the potential for unique content will be more likely to be kept. A site that claimed to have a database not otherwise online, would be very likely to be kept for another look. Obviously, the more crowded a category, the harder it will be for a new site to show unique content.

(3) A site that claims a plausible source for content is more likely to be kept. Yet another classified ads site -- when there are too many already for a surfer to use effectively -- that has never been seen to work, and has no source of ads other than visitors -- is almost a sure delete. But a site that claims to be the Nether Sniggling Chamber of Commerce membership directory is perhaps worth a second look -- presumably they actually HAVE members and a list thereof, it's just a matter of getting the database queries right.

You're thinking (naturally enough) of "trying to be sure your site gets its due." But when all is said and done, the ODP really has (and needs) no mechanism to accomplish that, as that is of absolutely no concern to a surfer. What the ODP has instead, and what is much more important, is a community that knows if one site is gone, there are another 20 million where that one came from -- and editor judgment developed through editing experience that says: "this site is (or is not) more likely to be worth reviewing again before we've reviewed the other 20 million sites."

In a dead site's favor is the recognition that 90+% of the other sites are trash, so if there's a 10% chance of resurrection into usefulness, it's worth a second look. (But if a 3% chance, it's probably not.)


Aug 2, 2004
BenColtrin said:
I hate to flame you, but all four of your websites had serious flaws. The first one threw two critical errors and used the PHP die() function to exit without any content. The next two had huge footers of mysql errors, and the last one wouldn't load at all.

All websites was repaired... Somebody tried to hack my server and i solved the problem... It would be fine if you can tell me about more problems :)

I ve contributed to the Deal Gates Development

Best regards


Aug 2, 2004
Sp00fer said:
If the sites are down at the moment - not to worry, AFAIK many editors will hold a broken site for some time to see if it comes back online (although im slightly sceptical as to why 4 supposedly distinct websites get the same SQL/php errors at the same time).

If you want to be certain, you can re-submit the same URL's once (in your lifetime) to the same category when they are back online, although this will delay review if the editor browses the category sorted by date_of_submission.

Anyone more experienced in that part of the directory feel free to correct me if im wrong ;)

i read that more than 3 submiting invalidate your request to enter to the dmoz directory...

I worked hard on Deal Gates and think that it has a real place to take in the DMOZ directory... I will re-submit it... :)

Best regards


Curlie Admin
Sep 18, 2002
i read that more than 3 submiting invalidate your request to enter to the dmoz directory...
You read wrong. There's no such hard and fast rule in the ODP.


Aug 2, 2004
And i forgot a last precision, is down because the client's company don't exsit any more...

This one is defintevly dead and i lost a client by the same time :mad:

But the most important is Deal Gates :D

I ve just re-submitted, we will see...


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
There is CONSIDERABLE misinformation about the ODP in most English forums about web ranking -- and I don't see why it shouldn't be the same in other languages! Website search engine positioning is so different from the ODP purposes, that people who do the one thing, usually feel people who do the other are implacable enemies. And it is often true.

There isn't any hard and fast rule, as motsa says -- in fact, there really isn't any rule about what sites an editor can review! So there is never any predicting what will happen.

But if you submit a site often enough, you start looking like a SERP perp, and you EVENTUALLY start getting treated like one in public places. That is NEVER what you want! But when exactly does that happen? Who knows?

Trying to figure out the exact moment when you must give up SERP perping and start acting like a decent human being is not the solution. The solution is to follow the submittal policies, which were designed to help everyone (INCLUDING submitters!) work most efficiently.
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