Is this site good enough to be listed?


Apr 20, 2004
Hello everyone.

I know the editor will have the final say of whether or not my site gets listed, but I was hoping someone could “eye-ball” my site and say whether or not it stands a good chance of being listed. Afterall, I know sites that offers services like mine are a dime a dozen.

The url is I am considering submitting it to the following category:
Top: Regional: North America: United States: New York: Metro Areas: New York City Metro: Business and Economy

The website is commercial and pertains to providing services related to:
1) Data Management (database management, data cleansing, off-site database backups)
2) Custom Programming (desktop and web-based applications)
3) Web Services (website design, search engine placement)
4) Business Software (currently there are 2 software applications for sale)
5) Online Training (remote learning of HTML and Visual Basic via Microsoft NetMeeting).

I will be adding more content in the next few months, such as a free contact management database for downloading and more online training classes. Maybe I should wait until there is more content?

The 2 software applications I mentioned both have presentations created in PowerPoint and if they are viewed via a 56Kb connection, it will bog down the connection—so if you are using 56Kb modem don’t click there :>)

Thank you in advance.

Orlando Gonzalez

I am posting this because I don’t want to waste the editor’s time and ruin my chances of getting listed.


Jan 23, 2003
We really don't offer a reviewing service, and no one will condemn you for life for a single submission that is too early. Go ahead and submit, once, and see what happens. Sounds like you have some content and the Regional editor in New York will make the final determination.


Mar 25, 2002
As spectregunner says, we don't do site reviews on here, HOWEVER, I would very very strongly suggest that you submit to a different category than the one you are suggesting.

Since your office location is Manhattan, and we usually list businesses by the location of their office, please submit it to Regional/North_America/United_States/New_York/Localities/N/New_York_City/Manhattan/Business_and_Economy/Computers_and_Internet/ ( the link is ) or one of the subcategories thereof, if it fits the nature of your business.

New York city is extremely busy with submissions and spam, and the more we can do to prevent a legitimate business getting lost in all that, the better. If you submit to the category you mentioned, it will probably need to get sorted (along with a whole bunch of other sites) down to the category I name, and might take what seems like forever to happen.

So submitting to the correct category, while it won't make for a lightning listing, it WILL be quicker than the category you suggest.

Hope this helps.
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