Is this the best place to submit?


Jan 24, 2005
I run a site that sells magazines (international market place).

I have found this category ( However, as there are several magazine categories in DMOZ to submit to I just wanted to confirm that this is the best place to submit? It looks the most obvious choice to me, but I just wanted to confirm as I don't want to waist anybody's time.

Also this category in question doesn't seem to have any Editors. Are there any editors that would receive a submission to accept/reject for that category? If so which editors are in charge of it?

Lastly are there many submissions in the queue for that category?

Many thanks for your time and assistance.


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
>as there are several magazine categories in DMOZ to submit to I just wanted to confirm that this is the best place to submit? It looks the most obvious choice to me, but I just wanted to confirm as I don't want to waist anybody's time.

The most efficient way of finding out is to submit it there.

Think it throug: you'd be wasting our time asking in the forums, to pre-make a decision we'd have to make again when we reviewed the site.

>Are there any editors that would receive a submission to accept/reject for that category?
Yes, there always are.

>If so which editors are in charge of it?
Nobody--or everybody: it's a cooperative effort (like everything else we do.)

>Lastly are there many submissions in the queue for that category?

That doesn't matter, but we found people invariably mis-submitted based on the misapprension that it did: so we stopped giving that information. (If it's the right place, the site has to wait in the big heap anyway. If you submit to the wrong place, you get to wait in the wrong heap to be moved to the right heap to start waiting.)

Many thanks for your time and assistance.


Jan 24, 2005
Sorry, I TOTALLY disagree - otherwise I wouldn't have asked in the first place, especially for the main question - Is this the best place to submit? Other people have been posting the same question, and have had their questions answered politely.

If you can tell somebody the best place to submit it (assuming they ask in the first place) in this forum then it would save the submitter time as by submitting to the wrong directory branch in the first place, would mean the editor in charge of that area would have to find the best place for it and relocate the submission (a waste of their valuable time) and then the person submitting would no doubt have to start again at the end of the queue, and wait until an editor can review it.

btw,the site is:


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
We'd rather save the fast service you desire for people who make less work for us, rather than the ones who make more work.


Curlie Meta
Oct 8, 2002
Keep in mind we only list sites which offer unique content.
I have done some work in on a related category in a different language and my experience is that 99% of the suggested sites in this category is not listable as they are affiliates.


Jan 24, 2005
pvgool said:
Keep in mind we only list sites which offer unique content.
I have done some work in on a related category in a different language and my experience is that 99% of the suggested sites in this category is not listable as they are affiliates.
Thanks for your reply pvgool.

Well my site sells (mostly) the same mags as all other sites do, but not through some affiliate program (ie. Click here to buy then whisks you off to some other fully function magazine site with affil. program). It has its own shopping cart, checkout. I presume such would be considered OK, when it comes to passing the "affiliate" test.


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
No, we don't care which server the shopping cart is on.

And no, the test isn't "can the editor tell it's an affiliate?" The test is, as was mentioned, "what's the unique content?" Affiliate sites are just one of many ways of failing to have unique content, so, no, we aren't interested in the business model either.
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