isn't this corruption ?


Jan 26, 2004
What makes you think it corruption? Do you think the site owner is the editor? How do you know they are?

What is wrong with 3 deep links to a content rich site if the editor thinks they add value to the category?


Curlie Meta
Aug 19, 2003
If you think it´s abuse, please report it at

However you may also want to read our Guidelines about deeplinks first.

It´s not uncommon for domains that have useful information on different topics to have more than one entry in ODP.


Oct 15, 2005
birdie said:
What makes you think it corruption?

try waiting 3 years for a submission when you know that your
website is far better than most of the currently listed websites,
and then seeing one website listed so many times makes you
think what i think.


Jan 26, 2004
nt1 said:
try waiting 3 years for a submission when you know that your
website is far better than most of the currently listed websites,
and then seeing one website listed so many times makes you
think what i think.
Why does that make it corruption?


Jul 31, 2007
what is the corruption?links or deep links

hi, i think there is nothing wrong with the 3 to 4 links in my opinion.


Nov 7, 2006
Adding a deeplink is an editor decision, with the web surfer who is looking for specific information in mind, rather than for the site owners benefit. You might see different deeplinks to a medical site, also, so that a searcher can find important information quickly and easily.

That doesn't mean we're favoring the site owner, but being of service to the web surfer, which is our only purpose.


Curlie Meta
Jul 26, 2004
Everyone always know that 'their' site is always better than everyone else's, so its only natural to want to think everyone else must be corrupt because they 'appear' to disagree. The reality is that editors compare each site against the guidelines to determine whether to list a site. If the site meets those guidelines and offers sufficient, unique content to what is already included, the site site will be listed. If a site is deemed to be a good resource, it may be deeplinked at editor discretion.

The chance of having one rogue editor being corrupt is possible, but the chance that all 200 plus editors that can edit the category being a competitor is zero. If you have evidence that abuse is occurring, file an abuse report which includes the evidence that indicates abuse. Before doing that though, be sure to read and understand the FAQ Of Abuse to see what constitutes abuse. As was stated above, failing to list a site is not evidence of abuse.


Curlie Meta
Jul 26, 2004
No tricks are involved, editors have become very good at spotting tricks. A simple search of these forums for the domain in question will turn up many threads on this very topic that explain this particular issue. If someone feels the sites are no longer listable they should file an update request with the reason and an editor will check the listings and re-evaluate if necessary.
In brief from what I have seen (it was before my time) it appears that there was a staff (not an editor) decision long ago that this particular site was a resource worth deeplinking too. That decision resulted in deeplinks being added, those deeplinks may or may not be listable by today's guidelines. In order to determine whether a deeplink is listable, they will need to be evaluated on an individual basis by editors familiar with the area of the directory.


Mar 25, 2002
It always amazes me that people immediately jump to the most unlikely, sensational explanation, rather than look for a simpler answer. :rolleyes:

In this particular case, the site in question is Epinions. When the ODP was started, Epinions was used as a basis for the consumer information section structure and deeplinked heavily to get it started. The assumption was that over time, more sites would be added, and the category structure developed further. In some places it has, in other places the category structure has been trimmed back due to lack of content, and in many places it appears not to have changed much at all. There you go - simple answer, no corruption. :)


Aug 1, 2007
This is a good example of dmoz needing to be cleaned.

While I do not think that corruption is the correct word for what's going on in that folder I do believe it shows a very good example of the flaws of the dmoz project. I can agree that it's frustrating when you can't get a great site placed in a category where half of the pages listed do not exist any longer and the ones that do have not been updated for 5 years and it looks like the site was constructed by a 3rd grader. Look below for a summary of that category and let me know if this is the quality that dmoz is trying to convey to its users. Then look at this from the user's view and let me know if you think this category will benefit the users looking for "Internet Browser Accessories."

Ad Blockers Software - Deep link to low quality shopping site (lots of missing images because instead of hosting the images on their server they hotlinked all of the software logos and screenshots. Once the site removes the images or changes them they do not show on the website.) that is nowhere close to a site like

Bonzi Buddy - A epinions page that reviews Bonzi Buddy, ( a program that was discontinued in 2004 and considered spyware. It made it to the top 10 most annoying tech products by PCWorld readers. The current link on the epinions page to the supposed Bonzi Buddy page is a spam page that has real content for users and has nothing to do with bonzi buddy or Internet Browser Accessories. It's also blacklisted from google and they have removed the page rank for the site even though there are over 4000+ backlinks.

Browsers/Gator - Is another epinions page that reviews a spyware program called gator ( This program was discontinued in 2006 and the company even changed their name to Claria Corporation because of the terrible reputation the company had. So not only does this program not exist any longer it was a program that would change the banners of the sites you were visiting with their own ads effectively taking revenue from the sites you visited. In June of 2002 they were sued by The New York Post, The New York Times, and Dow Jones & Company for its practice of replacing ads. Most of the lawsuits were settled out of court

yodlee com - Yet another epinions page that is actually for a real company that implements account aggregation and other online financial services. It's technically not an Internet Browser Accessory and they actually create solutions for banks not consumers so a better fit might be Having it under "home" and "consumer information" doesn't make sense because it's not something that is directed towards consumers. It's like if I created the server structure for and my site was listed under

I would like to better the directory project by removing the spam and adding quality sites that are 100% matched to the category. I think that if the directory was cleaned up and quality, relevant sites were added regularly the site could get back out of its slump and start benefiting users again. People just want to find what they are looking for and if dmoz can provide it then you might see a shift from the search engines back to the directories as directories have a human element that the search engines cannot compete with. I wouldn't mind becoming an editor and giving back to dmoz as I used to use the site daily for my searches and only stopped after a large number of searches resulted in holding pages for expired domains. Unfortunately It seems that when I submit an application it does not even get reviewed. :(


Jan 23, 2003
What you poin out is exactly the reason we have this thread for reporting content issues.

We don't claim we are everywhere at every time, and we genuinely appreciate it when people point out issues to us. A tour through that threas clearly shows our historical reaction to reports: we jump on them.

We do get bent out of shape with the constant accusation of corruption that are fueled by a few SEO/webmaster forums. There is a huge difference between inattention and corruption.


Curlie Admin
Sep 18, 2002
Unfortunately It seems that when I submit an application it does not even get reviewed.
Have you actually asked about the status of any of your applications? We have a forum here just for that so, if you haven't and you haven't heard anything regarding the applications, then head over there and ask (check out the "Forum Guidelines - READ BEFORE POSTING" thread first, though).
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