Issue with site structure? Not added to Dmoz

Dec 9, 2007
Hello gentlemen.

I manage a website (URL Removed) and have admittedly tried to have it listed on DMOZ a few times with no success. It's an Australian website, based in Australia but there is no category that's really suitable for it.

I've placed it under
Regional: Oceania: Australia: Business and Economy: Shopping : Consumer Electronics

But that didn't get it listed. I don't really think consumer electronics is a suitable category. If a category called Gadgets and Gizmos could be added under Oceania: Australia: Business and Economy: Shopping that would be fantastic.

There is also another problem, it redirects to another page on entry to the main domain. Going to (URL Removed) will redirect to (URL Removed) I have submitted the latter address (URL Removed) as the address instead of the root domain as well.

Thanks for any help you guys can provide. I'd love to get this site listed on DMOZ. :)


Jan 23, 2003
Not sure that we can do much for you.

You have suggested it to the best available category.. We don't end to make categories for single sites, but if a better category is available then editors routinely move suggested sites.

I'm also certain that you have read the FAQ, and thus would not be asking for any sort of special treatment, it being against the rules, and all. :eek:

Don't forget, there is no time limit on how long it takes to have an editor review a suggested site. Prior to the crash last year, when a goodly portion of the suggestions were lost, it was not all that uncommon to see suggestions that had been waiting several years for an editor to come along.

Best advice: if you suggested your site prior to the crash last year, then go ahead and suggest it again, if you have suggested it during 2007, then just be patient.


Oct 29, 2006
it redirects to another page on entry to the main domain
That's not a problem, provided the page is internal to the site. In general we list the shortest working url and ignore internal redirects/specific page names - it saves problems when the webmaster decides to move from php to asp to html, and back to php.
a category called Gadgets and Gizmos
That's not likely, category names will be more likely to mirror the Topical tree - - and even then, only when there are several similar sites to go into a sub category.
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