It says: Adding a site is easy! It's Not.


Nov 20, 2006
It says: Adding a site is easy! It's Not at all, or maybe I got lost.
I tried to "Suggest URL", but got bringing back to the same Instruction page, how to submit the site. What I am missing there? It looks like it's a loop. I could not find the form page to submit my site. Please help.


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
It's broken.

Watch our announcements forum for the date and location of the get-well party.


Mar 14, 2005
Ontario, Canada
Yeah! It's super easy!

Just 'suggest' a URL, and sit on your finger for a few years. Then wonder why sites worse then yours are in the list, and yours still is not added to the list.


Curlie Meta
Jul 26, 2004
Or you could simply 'suggest' a URL, move on with your life, carryout your other site promotion strategies, and make your customers happy rather than worrying when/if one directory is going to give you one link. :rolleyes:


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
>Then wonder why sites worse then yours are in the list, and yours still is not added to the list.

And, to be logically consistent (what a concept!) wonder why you're standing with 'bated breath waiting for your site to be reviewed, when you know perfectly well sites better than yours aren't listed yet.

Or, to be realistic, face the fact that since there is no way of listing sites in order of whatever notion of quality anyone has, editors just look at them one at a time, using imperfect clues and human judgment to guess, sight unseen, which sites might be worth looking at first.

My own judgment, validated by experience, is that people capable of neither reasonableness nor logic are unlikely to generate websites worth reviewing.


Apr 5, 2004
wonder why sites worse then yours are in the list
This seems to be a very common source of wonder, so it's a good thing it is addressed in the FAQ. ;)


Nov 23, 2006
This whole topic is a source of wonder. I agree that reason and logic are valuable attributes when dealing with such a subject as SEO or Site Promotion, However I can't help but become frustrated when listings are not showing, with no proper way of tracking the submissions.

I have been waiting for more than 9 months now and still have not had my site listed within the dmoz system. I followed the submission guidelines to the letter and still nothing. This is very frustrating, considering that one competitors site is listed in the same location as i had tried and no one else. Its not exactly a busy section.

A simple solution would be to forget it, I understand but this still doesn't answer the question of why when you follow guidelines given and try to help out the editors as much as you can you still don't see any results.

And coming back to what was previously mentioned

My own judgment, validated by experience, is that people capable of neither reasonableness nor logic are unlikely to generate websites worth reviewing.

To make judgements on people or their creative talents or lack there of, is seriously close minded and ignorant, and in no way helps the original question that was asked. It is not a god given right to be able to create imformative and interesting websites by a chosen few.There is always something for someone so who are we to criticise the way it was accomplished.

I think this whole topic and those like it within these forums would benefit a hell of a lot more if people tried to give their advice rather than criticise.

Me writing this may contradict what i'm saying but it needs to be said. For people new to Site Promotion and the like we appreciate help much more than hindrance.

just my two pence worth.


Curlie Meta
Oct 8, 2002
jukesie said:
This whole topic is a source of wonder. I agree that reason and logic are valuable attributes when dealing with such a subject as SEO or Site Promotion, However I can't help but become frustrated when listings are not showing, with no proper way of tracking the submissions.
Maybe this is caused by the fact that a listing in the eyes of DMOZ has no relation with SEO or site promotion. I know other people think differently but that is beacuse they are interested in promoting their site. I also know a DMOZ lisiting will have some effect helping you to promote a website, but this is just a side effect of what DMOZ's intentions are and as such have no relevance for us.


Curlie Admin
Nov 13, 2003
but this still doesn't answer the question of why when you follow guidelines given and try to help out the editors as much as you can you still don't see any results.
The answer to that is very simple: (asuming your site is listable) it's becuase none of our volunteer editors have got around to reviewing it yet.

And the cause of this? Some combination of (a) the number of editors, (b) editors' interests not coninciding strongly enough with the category your site belongs in, (c) a large number of useful site suggestions from the public, and (d) an even larger number of poor/abusive suggestions, which typically 'get in the way' of the good ones.

For (a) and (b), if you know of a magical source of good editors we haven't found yet, please let us know. For (c), well this is really a good thing. For (d), we already have some technical means to deal with some of these issues, but if you know of a better way to get people to read and follow the instructions before hitting submit, I'm sure we'd like to hear it. Other than that, I'm not sure exactly what we can do...


Apr 5, 2004
why when you follow guidelines given and try to help out the editors as much as you can you still don't see any results.
Thank you for following the Guidelines with your suggestion. That will certainly be helpful to an editor when your site is reviewed. As all editors are volunteers who do this as a hobby in their spare time, it is unreasonable to expect anything to be done in a specified time frame.
We always like to welcome more editors, so if you feel strongly that you would like to help the directory and its users, please apply when the technical problems are fixed. If you choose not to help (which is entirely your prerogative of course), you cannot really criticise or lecture those that do. ;)

<added> I still take too long!


Nov 23, 2006
Hi Again.

Thank you and sorry.

Thank you for answering me you have pointed out several things that I obviously didnt consider about the submission. I will try a little more patience :)

And sorry, I did not mean to sound like I was complaining or critising the work done by the editors, I was trying to aim my annoyance more at previous posts that were made, making statements that I believe to be inconsiderate and unhelpful. I apologise if i have in any way offended any editors.
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