I've done something wrong in suggesting a site ...


Apr 6, 2006

Sorry I'm new and a very rarely user of dmoz.org. Let me start with a German site (http://www.grieser-verlag.com/) which has been listed in dmoz.org for more than 10 years. It has been started by a different url and five years ago we have changed the url (containg the same content), I have messaged it and in one month or less the changes has been done.

One year ago we have translated this page into English (http://www.grieser-verlag.com/en/). Then I've done the following:

1. I've gone to http://dmoz.org/World/Deutsch/Wissenschaft/Geisteswissenschaften/Theologie/Verlage/ - this is the german category.
2. This category does not contain any "English-Button" so I've changed to http://dmoz.org/World/Deutsch/Wissenschaft/Geisteswissenschaften/
3. This category-level contains an English-Button and I could switch to http://dmoz.org/Arts/Humanities/
4. In this level I've suggested the new English URL.

Today I've investigate thoose behaviour and I think that I've done somenthing wrong. I've readed the text "How to get your site listed FOUR times faster!" and you are right. I should invest something more time to finde the correct English Directory.

My question is: Is it possible to cancel thoose old site suggestion and do it again?

Thanks for any helb and best regards.
Wolfgang Uhr


Nov 6, 2002
Finding the best category and submitting the suggestion again will cause no trouble at all. I can't say exactly how many submissions it takes to be branded a spammer, but I assure you that the number is larger than two.

You could add to the description [in brackets, like this] a mention of the mistaken submission.

But I'm looking at those language links, and they don't look right to me. You may well have pointed out something we need to fix, and we thank you for that.


Apr 6, 2006
brmehlman said:
Finding the best category and submitting the suggestion again will cause no trouble at all. I can't say exactly how many submissions it takes to be branded a spammer, but I assure you that the number is larger than two.

You could add to the description [in brackets, like this] a mention of the mistaken submission.

Thank you very much. I'll do it.

brmehlman said:
But I'm looking at those language links, and they don't look right to me. You may well have pointed out something we need to fix, and we thank you for that.

No problem. I've needed some time to see it.

Thanks for both ...

Ps: May be new category is interesting for you: http://dmoz.org/Society/Religion_an...ianity/Bible/References_and_Tools/Literature/
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