Just a suggestion.


Curlie Meta
Apr 30, 2002
I am a bit confused, because I think you are mixing two things up.

Are you talking about URL suggestions?
We decided against automatic status checks of any kind there, please see the FAQ for more details. Please do not try to discuss this topic any further. You might want to check the some of the previous threads on this topic.

Are you talking about editor applications?
Your question sounds like you might have applied as an editor to get your site listed. Editors who just want to become editors are most likely rejected. We don't offer a service for webmasters to list their own site. We accept editors who want to build up URL collections with a value for the end user (not for a specific webmaster).

Anyway, we try to process editor applications in a short timeframe. Due to the voluntary nature of our work, this might be a few weeks, but most are processed in 1-2 weeks. At the end, a mail is automatically sent, telling the applicant if his application is accdepted or denied. Personally I don't think a waiting period of this length warrants the use of our very limited staff time to implement further information features.
Feb 19, 2007
First of all thank you Windharp for your early response.

Secondly regarding your confusions, I like to clarify that I have no intention of becoming editor of any topic and not even tried for. Just seeing editor section coming alive, I got excited about that now on more editors will join dmoz and my website has good chance of getting listed fast, as I am waiting to get listed for last three months. If I made a mistake, please accept my apology.

And Lastly my suggestion regarding status is not at all concerning to invoke the sensitive issue of automatic status checks, rather it was about giving simple auto indication of “inclusion / no-inclusion” from dmoz directly to site concerned, If I have done mistake on this part also, I welcome you, if you can delete this entire topic from this form, No question will be asked.


Nov 7, 2006
That has been suggested to us numerous times, sarveshmahajan, considered, and rejected as only leading to more questions, and more dissatifaction, :) .


Curlie Admin
Nov 13, 2003
And Lastly my suggestion regarding status is not at all concerning to invoke the sensitive issue of automatic status checks, rather it was about giving simple auto indication of “inclusion / no-inclusion” from dmoz directly to site concerned
If you want to know if a site is listed in the directory, you can search for the domain using the ODP Search. There are two things to note: (1) You need to search without the "www" bit, so enter "example.org" and not "www.example.org", (2) The search database is normally up to a week out of date, which isn't too bad. However, due to our recent technical problems, it's several months out of date. Hopefully this will be fixed soon.

Providing any information apart from whether or not the site is currently listed, would constitute a "status check" -- and this is something that we've decided not to do in this forum.


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
Don't think a website is "likely to get listed fast" because there are "lots of editors", or that it is "not likely to get listed fast" because there are NOT lots of editors.

A site is likely to get listed fast if (1) it's obvious that it contains significant unique content, (2) its main subject is obviously underdeveloped, and (3) some editor is interested in that subject.
This site has been archived and is no longer accepting new content.