just a thought...


Oct 12, 2006
First off, thanks for setting up this forum! It is very helpful in getting listed on dmoz. I have one suggestion though I was curious about my site that I have submitted and always wondering if it was something about my site, maybe it was denied? or just still on hold.

Maybe we can provide (add it to the FAQ) examples of issues that editors dislike about some web pages? Is that possible? Or am i just crazy?

I would post my web site to this message, but I dont think it would do any good... heh



Oct 12, 2006
Wow! an answer in two minutes... you guys are good...

thanks... sorry for the dumb question, guess i should read before i post.


Oct 12, 2006
ok thanks... I have been reading the link you gave and did some searching on some previous posts. I do have some adsense on my site, but looking through the threads it looks like 'unique content' is more important.

The one point that I think I am probably getting denied at is that I do call it a directory, but its not really a directory of web pages. its a directory of golf courses in a specific area

(<url removed>)

I also provide that google map (Golfing Map) with tacks of the courses... come on thats cool right! heh :)

thanks for your help, this information also helps clean up our sites.



Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
It's mostly not a matter of rejecting because there's something an editor doesn't like. It's not even a matter of not accepting because an editor doesn't find anything to like.

It's a matter of accepting (or not) because the editor found (or didn't find) something you couldn't have found anywhere else.


Curlie Admin
Nov 13, 2003
And far more likely for any individual site is that it's simply a matter of not being accepted or rejected yet since no editor has actually got around to reviewing it.


Jan 23, 2003
ok thanks... I have been reading the link you gave and did some searching on some previous posts. I do have some adsense on my site, but looking through the threads it looks like 'unique content' is more important.

Exactly right. If you have lots of unique content, having an adsense banner or three is not going to disqualify your site from a listing, as we try and look past the ads to focus on the content.

If, on the other hand, the unique content is so weak, or so well hidden by the ad content (or was listed directly from the Chamber of Commerce site), then it is to going to get listed.

We see this very often with real estate sites. They sign up with some template outfit and have themselves a gen-u-whine website in about 20 minutes, complete with hundreds of links. They are the same hundreds of links the other 2,354 customers use, but that is not what they see, they see that the site is in their favorite color. So they have access to the MLS listings -- so does every other real estate agent on the planet. The link to one of hte school rating sites -- so does every other real estate agent on the planet. They have a free newsletter. Wow! A free newletter! Just like every other real estate agent on the planet. Are you seeing a pattern here?

So we get to the agent biography, and what do we see? "In today's dynamic real estate market, you need.....yada, yada, yada" The same basura we find from every other real estate agent on the planet. If we see: "Alice is a lifelong resident of hickstown, she is a third generation real estate agent, she is committed you your satisfaction and offers a special discount to graduates of Podunk University" we get excited because we have found a smattering of unique content. Her actual picture would be nice -- we've see most of the stock photos that agents are too lazy or too inept to change. I could go on, but I think this illustrates the huge difference between content and unique content. Unique content is about you, what you do, why you are special, and what you offer. It is not about how many links you can add, or how many sites you can connect to. Most editrs feel there is no such thing as a unique outbound link, and having a collection of links is no more unique.


Curlie Admin
RZ Admin
Sep 15, 2004
If, on the other hand, the unique content is so weak, or so well hidden by the ad content (or was listed directly from the Chamber of Commerce site), then it is to going to get listed.

Er, don't you mean "not going to get listed" ?


Oct 18, 2006
Thanks for such great forum, I really appreciate the quick response from moderators and other contributors here. :)
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