just some thoughts


Nov 7, 2004
Reading through ther threads in this 'How To Submit' forum really makes me laugh.

Disappointment often resulting in cynicism from members who are anxiously waiting to get their sites listed is everywhere!

In my opinion, this project has become completely unmanageable.

I listed my site <url removed> about 2 years ago in the category 'bands and artists' Vanessa-Mae at:


My website surpasses all listed there when it comes to content and update frequency. Most of the sites listed there are dormant. In other categories, sites are listed that are not available anymore.

Yet it seems virtually impossible for me to get my site listed.

Anyway, my site is ranked 10th and 11th on google when tyou search 'vanessa-mae' or 'vanessa mae.'

I think this DMOZ project needs to redefine its goals. Obviously considering all experiences of disappointment here, DMOZ does fulfill a need anymore.

Or does DMOZ exist for the sake of only being there for itself.


Curlie Meta
Oct 8, 2002
Rijko said:
Disappointment often resulting in cynicism from members who are anxiously waiting to get their sites listed is everywhere!

In my opinion, this project has become completely unmanageable.
In my opinion a strange combination of thoughts. Did you ever think about the fact that most people who are happy with DMOZ don not post here. Only the small group who thinks DMOZ owes them something complain.

Rijko]I listed my site about 2 years ago in the category said:
You can not list a site. Only editors can. You can only suggest a site. If no editor is interested in ´working´ within that category the suggestion can be waiting for years before it will be reviewed. Which most probably is what has happened to your site. It is waiting until someone (editor or noneditor) is willing and capable of doing some work there.

Rijko said:
I think this DMOZ project needs to redefine its goals. Obviously considering all experiences of disappointment here, DMOZ does fulfill a need anymore.
Why. Our goals are still the same and editors and our customers seem to be pleased with the way we try to fullfill these goals.
I´m afraid what you mean is - DMOZ does not meat my (and other webmasters) goals. That is correct. We don´t, we never have and never will.


Nov 7, 2004
I know, I should have said 'I submitted my site.'

Yes, of course you're right happy members won't complain.

Nevertheless, they are many who see that nothing happens to their submitted sites.

It is just so great to hear that so many are pleased too with the achievements of DMOZ.


Nov 7, 2004
One real problem is the complete lack of information that you get after you've submitted a site. At least, I think many feel it that way.

Isn't there a posibillity to see how many sites are awaiting approval for listing in a category? That would give any idea on how active editors are in a certain category.


Curlie Admin
Nov 13, 2003
One real problem is the complete lack of information that you get after you've submitted a site.
But how is that a problem for the users (i.e. people searching for stuff) of the Open Directory Project?

It well might make people suggesting siters feel a little more secure, but providing such information wouldn't further the project's goals, and could even hurt them by giving spammers vital imformation about whether their latest scams had been detected.

Of course, anyone who really wants to help the project list quality sites (not just their own) and weed out ones which no longer meet our editorial standards is free to apply to become an editor... Even if you don't want to become an editor, you can still help us by reporting bad sites.

BTW: Have you taken a look at the ODP Status Reports to see how much work is being done in the directory each month?


Nov 7, 2004
No, I was not familiar with the OPD status reports. I took a quick glance already and I admit it is quite impressive.

Maybe, these reports should be made more familiar to members here in the forum and via a link on the home page. Maybe it is there already and I just missed it!!???

You quite convinced me. Maybe if more editiors and moderators were so supportive a lot of unease would be taken away. Reading through comments that editiors and moderators often make, really makes me understand why members awating a site approval feel not taken seriously.

Many thanks!

BTW, becoming an editor for me is not a realistic option. I simply do not have the time to take such an obligation in the long run. It would just be to get my own site listed and that is not an honest motive to become an editor.


Curlie Admin
Sep 18, 2002
Isn't there a posibillity to see how many sites are awaiting approval for listing in a category? That would give any idea on how active editors are in a certain category.
Let's say you knew a category had 24 sites awaiting review. What does that tell you about the activity in the category? It doesn't tell you how long those 24 suggestions have been waiting there. It doesn't tell you how recently or how often someone has been editing there. It definitely doesn't tell you when someone is planning on editing there again. So, the number of sites awaiting review is essentially meaningless.


May 9, 2006
Each category does mention a "last edited date" I have seen some categories that have had some really old dates.

The edited date does not really reflect if any one really spent any time there though, or if they had any time to spend there.

They may have just popped in to make a quick fix, and the editor who popped in might not even be the regular editor for the category.

Maybe if people saw how many suggestions there were there might be more volunteers to become editors

A quick look at it and all the links are good and availible

Last update: 10:27 PT, Friday, April 7, 2006 - edit

Looks like a good category for some one to volunteer for


May 26, 2002
For a category that shows up as having ONE site awaiting review, one editor might think: this is an easy category to work on and clear to zero; while another editor might decide: nothing much to do there, I'll work in some other category that has 50 sites waiting. The net result is that some editors are working in small categories and others are working in large categories.


May 9, 2006
giz said:
For a category that shows up as having ONE site awaiting review, one editor might think: this is an easy category to work on and clear to zero; while another editor might decide: nothing much to do there, I'll work in some other category that has 50 sites waiting. The net result is that some editors are working in small categories and others are working in large categories.

Giz - There are always pluses and minus to all scenarios.

I believe there is still and editors award program in place for those editors who perform well. I do believe this does discourage poor editorships.

You know your self there are ways to monitor editor performances.

Rijko - you seem to know something about the category and the subject


Nov 7, 2004
OK, why not. I filled in the form and volunteered to become an editor in the 'Vanessa-Mae' category.


Nov 7, 2004
Thanks, I have been approved as editor already.

I'll take this job very seriously. I'll invest time in it.


May 9, 2006
Congrats Rijko I am happy for you.

I hope you make a real go of it and show us some nice listings
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