
I submitted my Windows Me Resource page about a month ago to http://dmoz.org/Computers/Software/Operating_Systems/Windows/Windows_Me/ but have not been listed; the url is http://www.kayodeok.btinternet.co.uk/favorites/kbasewinme.htm. I realise that this category has no editor, but I think a month is a bit too long to wait considering that this category has few entries.

I have previously submitted my Windows XP Page to http://dmoz.org/Computers/Software/Operating_Systems/Windows/Windows_XP/ and it was listed within days.

Could someone confirm the reason for the delay? I do not wish to jeopardize my Windows XP listing and I am wondering if this is the reason for Windows Me's noninclusion, in addition to listing Windows Me, I would also like to list my Office Resource Page if at all possible.


Re: Submitted a page 1 month ago


You could email the next editor up, at the Windows level. That level totals nearly 600 sites with about 400 unreviewed, but perhaps he may look at yours early if you ask nicely. /images/icons/smile.gif

Re: Submitted a page 1 month ago

Thanks for your quick reply; I have dropped him a note.


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