

New Member
Dec 9, 2013
I submitted our website to Dmoz, at the time of submission I was trying to boost the page rank of the site, and to be honest I made a cock up of the whole thing. When I came across Dmoz I thought it was just another free directory, so I started to list different pages from our site with relevant information I considered to be useful to the chosen categories. Now I have read and fully understand what Dmoz is all about and it's importance as a quality information supplier, I realize that the way I have submitted our site has probably caused me to be excluded from Dmoz. I have moved from the UK to Australia, by doing this, it through me in at the deep end with reference to looking after our website, as it was all new to me. I am learning quickly now, but have made errors along the way.
What I would like to know is there anyway I can start a fresh? I have had the site for many years and feel that it would be useful to people searching on Dmoz for information, we also have people who will gladly provide information to anyone seeking help or advice. If it's too late for me then fair enough, but I would really appreciate a second chance if possible.


<url removed>


Mar 26, 2002
Southern England
We don't discuss specific websites here.

If you ignored the submission guidelines that you agreed at the time you spammed our directory, it's possible that we took defensive action and blocked your URL. We certainly aren't going to spend volunteer effort trying to find and remove all your listing suggestions so they'll be processed when an editor gets to each one.

In short, there's no way practical way of starting over.


New Member
Dec 9, 2013
We don't discuss specific websites here.

If you ignored the submission guidelines that you agreed at the time you spammed our directory, it's possible that we took defensive action and blocked your URL. We certainly aren't going to spend volunteer effort trying to find and remove all your listing suggestions so they'll be processed when an editor gets to each one.

In short, there's no way practical way of starting over.

Thank you for your responce.
This site has been archived and is no longer accepting new content.