Lag Time follow-up for applications


I recently applied to become an editor for

I used an alternate email (one I check about once a week).
After a couple of weeks, I noticed that I received an email with the following information:

INSTRUCTIONS - please read and follow carefully.

To complete your application process, please reply to this message.
This will confirm that we have your correct email address.

Do not change the Subject: line -- it contains your registration key.

So I replied, as per the email, and I received another email message that said:

Your Open Directory editor application could not be confirmed.
The error received was:

Can't find your authentication ticket

I have tried to contact the staff concerning this process via email and by using their web page form and have had no success.

Does anyone know how to get a timely response from these people?

P.S.- I am not an impatient person. I have been waiting but it's been almost one month now- which seems excessive. Or is that typical?

Thanks for any help that the experts can provide.



Feb 28, 2002
Hi kiyotei,

When you apply to be an editor the system automatically sents out an email to the address you provide in your application. That email instructs you to reply. That way the directory knows it's a valid email address. If you did not reply to this email for several weeks, your application was never placed in the queue to review because your email address hadn't been authenticated by the system. I'm not sure how long unauthenticated apps stay in the queue waiting for a reply.

But since you've already recieved information that your authentication ticket couldn't be found, my suggestion would be to apply again and to check your email a bit more often. I'd expect the system email to be sent to you for verification within 24 hours (maybe even immediately).

I was thinking the same thing. Too long to respond to the original email.

So I tried to re-apply.

I filled out the form completely, but when I hit the submit button, I got the following message...
Application pending...

So I feel like I'm in some kind of a nasty loop here.

They may be waiting for email confirmation, but the reply I send just bounces back.

Any idea how long it takes to become squeaky clean enough to re-apply?

Thanks for the help!


Mar 1, 2002
Which category were you applying to? Perhaps you are already listed in the newapps queue.
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