Large site: may I submit more than one URL ?


Nov 22, 2005

I run a site about my country.
I write about several topics, all related to the country: Politics, Culture, Economy, etc.

I submitted the root domain nearly two years ago, I think it is still pending review.
Recently, I submitted one page in the Politics sector, and it was (deservedly, I think) listed.

I think I have other pages/sectors of my domain which also deserve a listing. I believe that my pages have more value to users than the sites/pages already listed in the respective dmoz pages (there are not many sites in English about my country).

Question: may I submit more pages to appreciation by editors?
As I said, I believe that these pages would deserve a listing (of course, I am aware that it is up to the editor to judge it), but I wonder if submitting too many pages would raise some negative flag.



Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
Submitting too many pages WOULD raise flags.

The submittal policy says to submit a site, once, to the most appropriate category.

For very large sites, I'd suggest this approach which would probably not raise flags.

Pick the second most likely deeplink. Suggest it to the most appropriate site. Wait until it's listed before suggesting the third. (Note that so far, what you've done has fit this pattern.)

This approach will gage your suggestions to editor interest (in the topic) and to editor enthusiasm (about the site.) And even if someone thinks you're spamming once, they won't think it TWICE.


Curlie Meta
Jul 26, 2004
You did well to suggest the root url to the directory. You should not suggest individual sub-pages to the directory. Multiple submissions of sub-pages could be looked at as spamming and have negetive results. The editors reviewing the site will decide if sub-pages contain enough unique content to be listed and if so will forward them along for consideration as necessary.

Hope that helps.


Nov 22, 2005
Thanks, hutcheson,

I will submit another deep page, and wait to see how it goes.

BTW, the pages won't be seen by the same editor. I agree that submitting multiple pages to Regional > My_Country > Sub_topics would not be nice (even though I see some sites with multiple listings); my last submission was approved in Top>Society, I will submit next to Top>Sports.

Thanks again,


Apr 8, 2004
You are correct that the page will probably not be reviewed by the same editor. However, there are many editors who have permission to edit in the whole of the directory. They may not be the ones to review the pages, but they would definitely see the multiple submissions. So it is still best to do them one at a time. Only a very small percentage of active editors will ever see discussions in this forum. :D


Nov 22, 2005
Hi, dogbows,

Thanks for your input, but I didn't understand very well your words about multiple editors, reading or not this board.

Let me ask it like this:
Is it within dmoz guidelines to submit multiple pages of the same domain if: 1) I submit only pages which deserve a listing (as judged by the respective editor) and 2) I only submit the next page after the previous one was listed ?

Thanks again,


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
It's not within DMOZ guidelines to submit multiple pages at all.

What I was suggesting was slightly different.

See, sometimes (in very rare, extremely "exceptional" cases) suggesting multiple pages is actually a help to the editor. Since the whole point of suggestions is to help the editor, we who receive the help are not going to get bent out of shape by more help.

But webmasters basically always have an inflated notion of their own site's worth, and for me (as a webmaster) to rate my OWN site "exceptional" -- is not worth anything at all. If, however, there is confirmation from an independent reviewer (that is, an editor), then that's a different story. And what you have is (in a small way) a confirmation. So you might consider what additional small way you might help the editor (outside the guidelines). So long as you keep getting that confirmation, there's not a problem -- you're helping, not spamming.

That's my own logic, based on the letter and the spirit of the guidelines as I understand them. It's not an official carte blanche to do anything...


Curlie Meta
Apr 16, 2005
An alternate option that the system offers would be put in an update request to the existing url stating 'I have added page x which might deserve a listing in Top>Sport'.


Curlie Meta
Jul 26, 2004
yanlucas said:
Thanks for your input, but I didn't understand very well your words about multiple editors, reading or not this board.

I think what db was trying to express was that:
  1. There is no way to know which editor of the hundereds with permissions in a particular category will be 'the' one who reviews the suggestion.
  2. If a an editor with category wide permissions happened to review the suggestion, they would see many different suggestions of the same root url and could potentially see that as negative.
  3. Only a very small minority of editors ever participate here in RZ so the likely hood that the reviewing editor actually having read this thread is very slim.


Jan 23, 2003
And, given the history of people twisting what is said in this forum to suit their own goals....nothing in this thread should be construed as carte-blanch permission for every webmaster on the planet to immediately submit an additional page to the directory.

The overall guildeline to submit your site to the single best catergory is still the basic rule.

What does that mean?

It means the rules have not changed, the site in question is a likely exception to the rule. Just because you think your site is really, really cool does not mean it is an exception.


Curlie Admin
Sep 18, 2002
An alternate option that the system offers would be put in an update request to the existing url stating 'I have added page x which might deserve a listing in Top>Sport'.
I would not recommend doing that, although people have done it before with varying results. The "update listing" link is for updating the listing in that category (e.g. requesting a move to another category or requesting a change of title or URL), not for recommending that your site get an additional listing somewhere else.


Aug 17, 2005
You can submit more than one url if your website discusses several topics therefore each topic will require to be submitted in a specific category .

Always choose the most suitable because editors once they find your website in the wrong category it takes avery long time till it reaches the right editors.

monia hassan


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002

Take note of the prior post, and mark it completely wrong. You may NOT submit more than one URL for a website, regardless of how many topics it discusses. (The exceptions are subtle, and if you don't understand them, don't try them at home. You WILL get a reputation as a spammer.

Monia, in particular: do not ever submit more than one URL for a company or a website (whichever is greater.) With that bad an understanding of the ODP, you WILL be spamming. And I'd strongly recommend NOT giving any advice about the ODP, except to professional spammers (who were going to act that way anyway).


Nov 22, 2005
Hi, again,

What seemed to be a clarifying thread turned into a very confusing one.

I am not asking for any carte blanche (or any other kind of favouritism); I was just asking a question to people who, supposedly, would know the answer. The question is justifiable because I see some sites with multiple listings (if there were a rule somewhere stating that only one URL per domain was listable, I wouldn't be taking your valuable time).

My site is neither wonderful nor excepcional; it just, IMHO, provides useful information (I don't sell anything) which would be of benefit to users searching for info about my country other than the very little currently existent on dmoz (I did acknowledge, however, that my opinion matters nothing and the decision on the merit of the site is all up to the editors).

In view of the answers provided, I will refrain from suggesting other pages.



Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
Yes, there is an important distinction there. EDITORS are allowed to list sites multiple times IN EXCEPTIONAL CIRCUMSTANCES. SUBMITTERS are allowed to SUGGEST sites once.

A few of the "exceptional circumstances" have been "informally codified" -- call them the "unexceptional exceptional cases." A few sites are "unexceptionably exceptional" -- although you could probably count the "personal" (as opposed to "organizational" or "community" sites of that sort on your fingers. I don't think I could name five offhand.)

It may be less confusing if you look at it the other way around. See, we don't "list sites as many times as the quota allows." We build topics. Within a topic, we ask, "does such-and-such-a-site contain information on this topic?" (if no, stop here). "Is this the best category for SASAS?" (if no, send it along to a better category).

Now, if neither this nor a related category is the best category for the site, and yet the site contains so much good information that this category would be incomplete without it, -- at that point we start thinking about second listings.

But that second listing has nothing, nothing whatsoever to do with the "quality" or "attractive design" or "usefulness" of a site (or any of the attributes webmasters give their own work -- read a couple dozen posts and you'll see what I mean!)

It's about unique information (well, it's ALWAYS only about that!)

And even there, deeplinks have to do with what that category needs. So a site might have the exact same amount of unique information on two topics, and be deeplinked in one but not the other.

The usual "target the ODP for multiple listings" strategies don't take ANY of this into account. As a result, they are not only spam but stupid spam. But you can take this into account, and -- I used to try to encourage people to take it into account. I'm not sure anyone ever listened. The people who care about information were too busy doing things that mattered, and the people who cared about site promotion were too busy, um, spamming.

So if you're interested in painting, and we had lots of Renoir links but few Degas links, then a good Smithsonian-quality article on Degas is pretty much a sure bet for deeplinking. If all our information on Martin Luther were about his musical achievements (and yes, his category used to be under "Classical Composers"), then an in-depth article about his translation goals and techniques would be appreciated. If we had a link to an e-text of Henway's "The Old Author at the Bar," but his "The Sun Usually Sets" was not yet online, then there's a scanning/OCRing/proofing/formatting project with a place pretty well reserved for it in the Henway/Works category.
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