Last Update Question



Who is it that updates the Open Directory? Is it the editors or do they just submit sites to someone higher in the system after reviewing a site?

I have been told by the editor for England - Surrey - Cobham that Surrey has been updated but there seems to be no change to the Cobham listings.

I am trying to have my old domain name changed to

Many thanks for any help.



Mar 25, 2002
Yorkshire, UK
The change has happened on the editing server but not on the public server. The change should be in place on the public server by Thursday or Friday.

Normally this happens instantly but we've been having some server upgrades, and, as a result, the editors now use their own server which is separate to the public one.

No further action is required on your part.


Neil thanks for you very quick reply. This now puts my mind at rest.



Mar 19, 2003
The 'last updated' date changes when any change is made to the category - that might be a site added, a site deleted, a title or description changed. It doesn't necessarily mean that all unreviewed sites were reviewed and added or deleted - in fact it probably rarely means that.


The change has happened on the editing server but not on the public server. The change should be in place on the public server by Thursday or Friday.

Normally this happens instantly but we've been having some server upgrades, and, as a result, the editors now use their own server which is separate to the public one.

No further action is required on your part.

I hope that I'm do this next post the correct way with a quote.

I have noticed that the change did not happen. Does this mean that the ODP do not want to change my domain name from

The new domain is The title also needs to be changed from Surrey Wedding to Ashley Wedding Cars. Might this name change cause a problem as the domain name change does not allow for text to be altered.

Thanks for the last 2 post to both of you. :confused:


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
>I have noticed that the change did not happen. Does this mean that the ODP do not want to change my domain name from

No, it means that there are still delays in updating the public server. Staff's priority, I hope, is the editor's internal forum server, which we had hoped to have back by now -- but haven't.

I'm a programmer, and occasionally I am deep in a problem when someone comes by and asks me when it will be fixed. The first two times they ask, I usually manage (with difficulty) to avoid telling them, "Oh, at approximately 1:13 this afternoon I will have a brilliant insight that will enable me to pursue new lines of investigation, leading inevitably to a first test of the initial bug fix at 10:47 tomorrow. That won't work, but after lunch a few lines of debug code (polished off around 1:30) and another sort-of-clever idea will allow me to replace a couple of unstable modules by Tuesday between 2:30 and 2:45. Some more regression testing, two -- no, make that three -- little tweaks, and sometime Thursday morning I'll have something that is working perfectly (except for a rare fault that nobody will notice for three months). Sorry I can't be more specific."

Granted, it's not always like this -- I often get stuck with the nasty problems -- but, I trust you understand, _I'm_ NOT going to turn around and ask ODP staff the same kind of question :p


May 26, 2002
... and especially since I read in some external forum that staff allegedly worked until waaay past midnight last night fixing various problems. That's dedication beyond call of duty, and evidence that all that could be done is already being done. It will be done when it is done. I check back daily, suggest you do the same, or a little less frequently than that.
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