Let us know


May 28, 2005
I have this suggestion, Can you let people know if there site has been added or declined in the dmoz directory. So we know if to resubmit etc.. We need some way of knowing and it stops all the work for you to for duplicate submissions.

I had somone on my site from http://editors.dmoz.org/editors/editunrev2.cgi but I am not added into the directory does this mean I was declined?



Curlie Meta
Mar 27, 2005
So we know if to resubmit etc.. We need some way of knowing and it stops all the work for you to for duplicate submissions.
Please, submit only once, and only to the best suitable category. That will really help to cut back on duplicate submissions! Once you see the confirmation screen, we did receive your submission. No need to submit again. In fact, if you do it will only lower your chances to get listed. For several reasons. I'll give you two:
1) From the FAQ:
In fact, a new submission to the same category overwrites the previous one. Editors have many ways of sorting the pool of unreviewed sites in a category and one of them is by submission date. If this is the case, then a resubmission will show up further down the list and may end up taking longer to get reviewed.
2) Do you really think that it will help to get your site listed, if your URL has several editor notes attached to it, with things like: "duplicate submission", "submitted to wrong category", or even "agressive submittor"? I don't think so. If you really want your site to get listed, the best thing you can do is to submit it only once, with a decent title and description (without hype, without tons of keywords all written in capital letters, and without lots of exclamation marks!!!), to the best suitable category (meaning: not a category 'to high in the tree'. Lots of webmasters submit as high in the tree as possible. These categories therefore have tons of submissions. And an editor needs to move it to a subcategory anyway, where your site will have to wait AGAIN for another editor to pass by. If you would have submitted to this 'lower' category in the first place, it would have saved you and us time and effort already...)
Please do read the guidelines on describing the site, giving a proper title, and finding the best suitable category. If you follow these guidelines, your effort will pay off... the chances of getting listed are getting bigger and bigger if you follow our guidelines. Editors do really like it if they notice that you took the time and effort to get it right.
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