Linking to Charities


Jun 6, 2005
Hi everyone.

This is just a thread to pass along an idea, and perhaps someone out there may find it useful.

If you think for a moment, and wonder how people's lives are made better to some degree simply because of the existance of non-profit and charitable organizations. For example, if you've ever had a family member that has received hospice care. Or maybe someone you know has a disability. On a much broader scale, the pure water you drink, the clean air you breathe, the education you've recieved -- much of these are made possible due to the efforts and/or supplemental assistance from non-profit organizations.

Many non-profit organizations are started mostly with the intentions of making the world a better place, or empowering the disenfranchised, cleaning the environment, lobbying for equal access, or simply building public awareness of a good cause.

Non-profit and charitable organizations sometimes may receive grant money from federal funds of a government, while others rely solely on the support from the public. One of the challenges these organizations face is simply making the public know they exist. The more often they are brought to sight, the more often they are brought to mind.

Of course I won't go into plugging for any particular cause, but one thing I know is that there's probably a good chance most people reading this own a website of their own. And somewhere on that site there might be a little extra whitespace that could make a good home for a link to a charitable organization of your choice.

While most often, outbound links are reserved by webmasters either for relevant content, or in other scenarios -- a reciprocal link to another site that links back. So what then are the benefits of linking to a charitable organization, even if its theme is completely unrelated to your site?

Endless. Because you just never know who's eyes will belong to the next visitor that comes to your site. If you look back in history, many of the greatest cures, accomplishments, and inventions were made by people who at some point in time, simply became aware of the need. That's where it all starts. So imagine the potential, collective power webmasters have on the world at large, to bring self-less awareness to issues that so many overlook, simply because those issues are out of sight, and out of mind.

Secondly, it does actually help from a marketing standpoint. How many companies do you know of that campaigned for a cause, giving proceeds to a monument, cure for a disease, or scholarships? Probably most businesses you've patroned have, at one time or another.

It goes without saying that webmasters understand the power of accumulated links. But the beauty of a link is it costs you nothing. Even if your business doesn't have the budget of WalMart, one simple link on a site costs nothing, and who knows -- it could have the potential of being a spark to a much bigger flame.

- jawntech


Oct 9, 2004
Awesome Topic

Great topic jawntech - good for you!

I realize you were being careful not to endorse any one NPO, but I don't mind mentioning that I run Code Amber on most of my sites, and recommend it to any site with which I have affiliation.

Furhtermore, I do some free websites for local organizations. I have sub-domains on some of my geographic specific sites for local scouts and other community involved groups. It's a great way to stay connected, get connected and feel great for a little time and effort.

I have even bought and donated domains for local groups and then set them up with a site or even a WYSIWYG editor to self-maintain.

It's a great feeling to help out - give it a try!


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
Linking to public-service organizations is definitely part of the ODP mission...which we could use help with.


Oct 9, 2004
I'm in the process of finishing up a boy and girl scouts website for a local community, - I enjoy giving back to these organizations that do so much for others.

I will in fact find a category or two and do some more research in seeing which would be most befitting my own interest so as to provide the best service to ODP and its WWW constituents - thanks for the push.
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