Listed in regional category - why?

After just over four months my site is finally in DMOZ, but not in a submitted category, and with a truncated description.

Category submitted to: Arts: Music: Magazines and E-zines: S, and later Arts: Music: Styles: Rock: Alternative: Magazines and E-zines
Listed category: Regional: Europe: United Kingdom: Arts and Entertainment: Music: Magazines and E-zines

While it is obviously a UK site, the content is of global interest - we feature a lot of U.S. and European artists in particular. Both of the categories I've submitted to in the past feature UK sites (as well as a lot of neglected sites).

The shortened description I can (hopefully) deal with through normal channels, but how do I get the site in an appropriate category (and will it involve a long wait again)?


Feb 28, 2002
According to the category charter for the UK, UK sites which have are aimed at at a UK Audience can be listed in the UK category. Your submission to Arts/Music is still waiting to be reviewed (along with several dozen other sites in the category alone, alas). It can be listed there as well.
This site has been archived and is no longer accepting new content.