Listed prominently on MSN, Google, AOL and Yahoo

Marcia Nelson

Jun 3, 2006
I guess I am frustrated because, apparently, no one can do anything for me. I resubmitted our web site,, several times and found out recently that resubmitting a web site is against the rules. I suppose I should have been aware of that but I didn't know it.

In the meantime using the most generic keyword name possible (lace curtains) our site is listed 6th on the first page of MSN, 13th on Google (4th on a couple of occasions ), 13th on AOL and 19th on Yahoo. I know I should be happy with that but I can't help wondering, if they think our site is that listable, why we don't get anywhere on DMOZ. Is it because I resumitted?

Thanks for letting me vent. If anyone can come up with an idea I would appreciate it.

Marcia Nelson


Nov 23, 2004
Marcia Nelson said:
I know I should be happy with that but I can't help wondering, if they think our site is that listable, why we don't get anywhere on DMOZ. Is it because I resumitted?

If your website is that listable is either it's a very quality one and people naturally link to it, either that you optimized for that word.

Anyway a DMOZ inclusion is based on none of the above.

It's about the uniqueness of your content. If you write unique and usefull content (and all the other important info's found in the guidelines and FAQ), the reviewer will surely include it.


Curlie Meta
Jul 26, 2004
Marcia Nelson said:
I suppose I should have been aware of that but I didn't know it.
Many people don't realize it and resuggest their sites, others do know it and still resuggest their urls. It is the second group that *normally* causes problems. A few resuggestions won't have lasting negative effects, it can significantly delay a review though. Editors working a large pool of unreviewed will often spend a majority of their editing time weeding out those duplicates waiting in the pool and may not have much time left over to review many sites.
It is possible that massive suggestions of the same or similar urls to a category or multiple categories can result in being labeled a spammer but it is unlikely that submitters falling in the first group will be so extreme in their resuggestions to reach the level of spammer.

That being said, if you have suggested your site multiple times you can reasonably assume that the suggestion went through (eliminating any possibilty that errors occurred during suggestion) and thus I would recommend ceasing from resuggesting the site any more unless the content of the site undergoes a significant change in content.

Hope that helps.
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