Listed then removed?


Nov 8, 2006

After several submissions and a long long wait my website <url removed> was recently finaly listed on DMOZ.

However, to my dismay, the listing seems to have now been removed? within a couple of weeks of it appearing.

Given that Search engine rankings and page rank etc use DMOZ as an important part of the equation I am somewhat annoyed that my local competitors are listed but my site is not, surely this is biased and unfair?

Can anyone suggest why my site may have been removed and how I could go about having it relisted without having to go through the process of several submissions and years waiting again?



Apr 5, 2004
I'm sorry you are annoyed, but as you can see from the Announcement, we have had server problems for a couple of weeks, and the visible directory does not reflect the most up to date version. It is possible that your site will be visible again when the problems are fixed. :)
If not, there are other threads here which provide the most common reasons why a site may become unlisted, often only temporarily.


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
The usual reasons for removal apply.

Our experience is that chances are extremely good the removal was justifiable by ODP guidelines. In fact, we have so few exceptions that we've never seen any pattern that would lend itself to a possible procedure for finding or handling them.

There is not, and never has been, a guarantee of being listed.

There is not, and never has been, a "process of several submissions." The only process that ever has been is, ONE submission (with a possible second submission to cover editor error.) Any additional submissions have no constructive purpose.

The "waiting time" is not, strictly speaking, relevant. Everything can be doing other things in the meantime.


Nov 8, 2006
The Following excerpt from the DMOZ help section states reasons for removal of a site:-

* URL is a dead link, and a new or alternate URL can not be found
* The content of the site has been significantly enhanced, and is in the process of being reclassified into another category
* The site has been significantly striped of content, and may be under review and reconsideration for listing.
* The site is being reclassified as a result of a category reorganization, or because the site is better placed in another section of the directory.
* The site doesn't comply with our site listing guidelines. While the ODP is more inclusive than other Web directories, and attempts to be comprehensive in scope, there are sites we generally do not list:
o Mirror sites
o Redirecting URLs
o Sites containing primarily affiliate links
o Affiliate/reseller/franchise sites with no unique content of its own
o Illegal sites
o Sites devoted to the sales and distribution of a single product should be avoided, particularly if they are affiliate sites or if the site is merely a distributor for a manufacturer already listed in the Directory. The purpose of the ODP is not to replicate the individual listings of an online shopping catalog
o URL consists of a search result set from another search engine or directory

As none of these reasons apply to my site in any way, is there any other way I can find out WHY my site was listed for only a few weeks then removed? and what I can do about having it re-listed?


Curlie Meta
Oct 8, 2002
As majrhod wrote: the directory at this moment is a backup from some time before we started having serverproblems, it does not represent the most recent database of listings
Please wait until everything has been restored to normal. Announcements will be mad ein this forum.


Meta & kMeta
Curlie Meta
Mar 28, 2003
As makrhod said:

[...] the visible directory does not reflect the most up to date version. It is possible that your site will be visible again when the problems are fixed.

In other words, if your site was listed shortly before the server crashed, the listing may not have been in the backup copy of the data that is currently shown. That sounds like the most likely reason if it was only listed for a couple of weeks.
This site has been archived and is no longer accepting new content.