Listing Advice


Jan 12, 2006
Hello I have found that the most appropriate categories for my site are:


and also

Is it possible to get listed in all three?
If so what are the chances of this happening?

My description would be:

Company Name
Web design and logo graphic services. Based in Leicestershire, England.

Thank you in advance.


Mar 26, 2002
Southern England
Assuming that your company name begins with M, the first two are fine.

The Leics one is OK if the company has premises in multiple Leics localities, otherwise not. More likely, you should be suggesting it to a locality category such as Quorn - but only if the website makes clear that you are based there.

For those wondering why I'm agreeing to a possible three listings, it's because UK is made up of four countries and UK level is treated as a localised Topical. Editors please see this part of the UK charter for more detail.

Oh, and that description wouldn't be used, but don't worry about that; we routinely have to rewrite the huge majority anyway.


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
As descriptions go, it's really not bad. It's not the sort of description that, if actually used, would make an experienced editor drop everything to fix -- and descriptions like that DO slip in.

But ... think of it as a suggested description: as a guide to the significant aspects of the website, as a reason why the site is suggested to that category. It is the editor's responsibility (to the community, not to the webmaster) to write descriptions to the ODP guidelines, regardless of what the suggestion says. So we don't NEED a reason not to use that description: as Jim says, if an editor uses more than one suggested description out of a thousand, he'll probably get a reputation as a click-through artist.

I write my own description. That's what an editor DOES. I'm happy to have your ideas: sometimes I start with them, sometimes I start from scratch. But in the end I'm going to be weighing every word (whether originally from you, or from me) asking, "is this necessary? does this contribute to the surfer trying to figure out whether or not to visit this site?" And rare indeed is the prose that'll come out of such an analysis without losing some weight.


Curlie Admin
Nov 13, 2003
frozenpeas said:
The reason I did not pick this one:

is because there was no web design and development sub cat for this section.

In Regional, you must first find the most specific geographic category for your site (usually based on where you have physical offices, not your service area), and only then worry about categorising based on topic/subject. You'll see plenty of small villages which have no sub-cats to them -- businesses based there are just listed in the main category. (We only create additional sub-categories when there are sufficient sites to warrent it.)
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