First, the caveat: I'm only one editor and this is my personal opinion. But within the editing community, I am probably close to the minimalist fringe of the verbosity scale. (I have to make up for it in the forums, of course.) So I think most editors would probably feel the same way on this issue.
If you submit a change URL request, adding only the date range to the description, and if you mention in bracketed comments to the editor that your store really doesn't sell (or hardly ever sells) clothing outside that range, and I could confirm that information from a site review, then I'd accept the change.
My line of reasoning would be: the addition of that information will keep some people from visiting the site (because they are looking for some other period clothing) and therefore makes the links more relevant (to the right audience).
What many webmasters want is a mention of the specific details when the site isn't specific to them: "clothing from the 50's, 60's, 1880's, bronze age IIB, and all other possible periods." That's primordial keyword-stuffing, and it gets excised with a rusty machete. But it doesn't sound like that's what you were after. This is pure speculation (I haven't looked), but I'm wondering if you may may have originally given the dates in a form that looked like PKS (1920's, 30's, 40's...), causing the editor to reach for the dull instrument.