Listing Difficulty



I helped create the web site for and was trying to get it listed in your directory for them. They are one of the two safest manufacturers of swing sets that I know of (and I researched most) and so I believe it would be extremely beneficial for people to be able to find them (besides their status as a client of mine). I've followed your guidelines by not submitting more frequently than every 3 weeks (minimum) and have tried multiple different descriptions and titles in the effort to get them listed but none have worked. I even tried shortening the url as well as the title and description so there were almost no keywords in them in case you thought I was trying to SPAM, but that has apparently failed as well. I've gone far beyond what they paid me to do just in the effort to get them seen because I really believe their swing sets are that safe and good. Could you please help me or let me know why I haven't been listed? I apologize for taking your time and really appreciate your efforts and directory. Thanks. :confused:


Meta & kMeta
Curlie Meta
Mar 28, 2003
The most likely reason is simply that nobody has yet reviewed the submission, but there is a way for you to find that out: Go to the Site Submissions Status Forum, make sure you read the Guidelines for that forum before posting, and ask for a status check. :)
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