Listing Edit


Aug 3, 2006
Hello - I have been listed on dmoz for several years - when I had originally submitted I submitted under the wrong category (a newbie at the time)
and once listed I contacted DMOZ and they were nice enough to correct the error-the site was active in the correct category for around 3 years.

I saw as of a few months the correction was undone - the site was listed back under the original category I should not have sumbitted to and was removed from the proper category it sat in for 3 years.

I put in an editing request and have not heard back - what can I do? It is affecting our business.

I thank you for your help in advance -


Curlie Admin
Sep 18, 2002
If you put in an update request, you've done all you can do. If the editor who reviews the request feels the site should be moved to a different category, they'll do so.


Aug 3, 2006
Why would it change after so long?

Do you have any idea of why after 3 years it would suddenly change?


Curlie Meta
Jul 26, 2004
There could be any number of reasons that a site would be moved after being listed in one category to another. We don't discuss specific url's in this forum but some of the most common reasons may include:
  • The category description may have changed over time and the current category may now be a better fit according to the guidelines.
  • The original listing may have been correct and the first move 3 years ago may have really been an error. A newly interested editor may have come along and corrected the earlier mistake.
  • The section of the directory that it is listed in could be going through a major reorganization and sites may move around while the new structure is being switched over too.
  • The content on the site presumably (hopefully) has changed in the last 3 years. Perhaps now it needs to be in a more broad or narrow category.
  • Or a dozen plus other reasons that I am not thinking of at the moment. :)

As motsa said, if you submitted an update request then an editor will take a look and see what needs to be done. Any changes that are needed will be carried out upon review of the update request.

Hope that helps.
This site has been archived and is no longer accepting new content.