listing edit


Jan 14, 2008
About 4 months ago we filled out the form to edit our listing with DMOZ "our location had changed". We also asked if a re-evaluation could be done. The site in question is <url removed>. The current location that is shown is Orlando, FL USA. We have moved our business to Henry, TN USA. As far as the re-evaluation goes, as of right now, DMOZ has us listed in the adult section. We are presuming the adult classification is due to our sale of lingerie. We asked for the re-evaluation as there are numerous sites not listed in the adult section that are selling the same exact product, using the same exact product images. Normally this would not be an issue, but as everyone knows, Google along with other search engines, places a lot of weight on DMOZ, often using DMOZ's descriptions in their SERPS. With us being listed in the adult section, it is causing an unlevel playing field between us and our competition. We would deeply appreciate if an editor could look into this or give us advice on how we can help in this process. For professional reasons, we prefer not to list the other sites that are selling the same products and are not in the adult section, here in the open forum. We would be willing to provide that information privately upon request.
Thank you again for your consideration.


Jan 23, 2003
If you have requested a review using the Update URL request, then you have done all that you can do.

We specifically do not review sites based on requests in this forum.


Jan 23, 2003
While many editors make a priority of updates, not all editors do -- and just like suggestions, there is no guarantee that we will accept an update.

There is no published timeline or timeline commitment with any editing action.
This site has been archived and is no longer accepting new content.