listing gone



Thanks for the reply,

It seems there is a fine line for web sites with affiliate content. Considering that my web site also is a local lead generator for Connecticut dental insurance leads it would be a great benefit to have my site listed in the directory. Now that my site has been removed there are no listings at all for consumners looking for dental insurance in Connecticut. Can you please advice on how we can approach this line to have my sites listed in the Dmoz directory so we can help satisfy the needs of the consumers.


Curlie Meta
Apr 30, 2002
Such sites where discussed short ago. I dont know exactly if discussion about lead generator sites has already finished, but the last statement I remember is "Don't list". So this really does not make any difference to the ODP.


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
>Can you please advice on how we can approach this line to have my sites listed in the Dmoz directory so we can help satisfy the needs of the consumers.

Simple. Give unique content.

In this case, "content" would mean information about companies that provide, or agents that sell, insurance exclusively in Connecticut.

And "unique" means, as usual, we don't already have a site with that content.

Caveat: if a site has only a few links, we might first list the links ... and then not list the site, since all of its content is already listed.
This site has been archived and is no longer accepting new content.