listing just 'fell off'' the site


Jun 17, 2006
Hi there,
Newbie here. I've had my site listed for sometime with ODP and was very happy with the cat and description etc. But just recently did a search and my site is nowhere to be found.

Did a keyword search as well as www and any other subject search I could think of.

Just wondering:
does a site just 'drop off' like that? Do the listing have a 'shelf life' or are they forever?

If its the latter, then any ideas on why my listing disappeared? BTW: it was in a very basic category - budgeting.

I put no hype in the description, just followed the listing rules and all went well (up until a few months ago)

I have resubmitted but fear it will take ages to get re listed.::(

thanks for any advice.



Mar 26, 2002
Southern England
Listings don't automatically expire.

Maybe it's been moved to a different category.
Maybe it was disfunctional when we checked it and so we temporarily moved it out of the public gaze pending a subsequent check.
Maybe it's the type of site that we don't list and we've corrected our original error.

These sorts of quality control checks go on all the time.


Jun 17, 2006
Listings don't automatically expire.
I figured that because my site has been listed since 2003 but just needed clarification on it.

Maybe it's been moved to a different category.
I did a general site wide search on All Purpose Software, the keywords I use and also my url - all with no luck.

Maybe it was disfunctional when we checked it and so we temporarily moved it out of the public gaze pending a subsequent check.
Nope, never disfunctional. I consistently have the site online as its my job to check every day. I regularly update and check the site with various tools, broken link checkers etc (I'm very particular about this)

Maybe it's the type of site that we don't list and we've corrected our original error.
I sell budget planners, have not affiliations, re-directs etc. Its entirely a single entity with no links to farms, personal and adult sites. It has a regular .com and the submission was <url removed> (no extra 'index.htm' etc) I'm a programmer selling my budget planner applications online.

It simply was listed and is no longer there. I am hoping that with my last submission, it would go through but I have been an ODP editor in the past, as well as contributing editors to other sites such as this so understand how bulky the work can get but this particular category doesn't carry many url's so I thought maybe it had lost an editor or two or got accidentally deleted.

Any other ideas for me? Its very important to get listed on ODP (as we all know) so its kind of a mission for me to get it listed back on the budgeting category.

Thanks for your help


Jun 17, 2006
Actually, I wasn't referring to a site check, just thought you may have some remarks on the wording or the name of the domain re: your comment..." Maybe it's the type of site that we don't list and we've corrected our original error". But thanks for your help. Appreciate the feedback you've provided.

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