listing question


Apr 18, 2005
my site is just recently listed in the directory, however if I resubmit again my site to a more approriate category, does it mean that my site will be removed to its current category and will wait again for six months for my site to appear to its newly submitted category?


Meta & kMeta
Curlie Meta
Mar 28, 2003
If you think your site should be listed in a different category instead of the one it is now listed in, don't submit to the second category. Instead, please submit an Update URL request in the category where it is listed now. The request will be reviewed, and if the editor agrees with you that it should be moved, s/he will either list it immediately in the other category or send it over to the pool of unreviewed. As always, it's impossible to give any estimate of the time frame involved, but if you submit the update request it will almost certainly happen quicker than it otherwise would have.


Apr 18, 2005
nea said:
or send it over to the pool of unreviewed.

does it mean that I have to wait again for months until my site is listed to its newly submitted category?


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
Sites don't just "be listed". Editors do it, for the benefit of surfers (not webmasters) -- any help webmasters get is strictly accidental and ancilliary. And editors work on their own time and priorities.

What does that mean for you?

Everything you as a webmaster have gotten from the ODP is an accident. Everything you ever will get is an accident.

No, of course you don't EVER have to wait for an accident! you can go on with doing whatever you'd have done if the ODP had never existed. You can seek promotional help from sites that give it (the ODP isn't one of them); you can pay for expedited services from people that offer them (ODP editors aren't allowed to.)


Apr 18, 2005
thanks for the insights. Is it would be better if I resubmit again?

thanks in advance for any recommendation.


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
Normally, you'd do an "update Request" to suggest moving a listing from one category to another. That will entail a re-review; the site remains listed until the re-review.

What can happen then?

(1) The site may be removed altogether (this is not highly likely); the editor having concluded that it shouldn't ever have been listed.
(2) The site may be left alone (this is the most likely); the editor having concluded that the other editor knew the ODP taxonomy and you didn't;
(3) The site might be listed in both places (very unlikely unless one was a Topical and the other a Regional category)
(4) The site might be moved and a new listing appear immediately; the editor having concluded that a good case could be made for the move (not particularly likely but possible
(5) The site might be moved to the other category for later review (this should be very rare, but I have seen it happen)

Remember that the decision will be made based on the needs of the ODP and the surfer: your desire will not be a factor at all. But ... if the editor made a mistake, we do want to know about it, and I'd not penalize one plausible request for a category move (even if I rejected it.)

I would, however, very strongly suggest NOT making more than one such request. Chances are, as I mentioned, that the mistake will be in your understanding of the taxonomy, not in one of the other options.


Apr 18, 2005
thanks for the advice and recommendations. update site listing to a more appropriate and specific category.

Thank You.
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