Listing still has old URL, tried

My site is still listed through my old URL and still has the old name. The old URL is now a dead link, so if anyone comes across my listing, they go NOWHERE.

I've gone through the "update URL" form several times over the past year or so and it never changes.

My category says it needs an editor. Does this mean I can never get it fixed until it gets an editor? Someone please help me out. Heck, I'll be an editor for day and fix it if I have to.

It's under this category...

This is the listing...

Slayton, Cal (Covert Studios) - Cal Slayton's online portfolio of comic book and cartoon art.

What it SHOULD be is.....

Slayton, Cal - Cal Slayton's online portfolio of comic book art, graphic design and web design

And the NEW URL is...

Any help or advice would be GREATLY appreciated.



Curlie Admin
Sep 18, 2002
Re: Listing still has old URL, tried updating...he

I've corrected the URL but your title and description are fine as they are. Note: I don't see any update request in the queue for it and I don't see any indication that one was ever touched (i.e. deleted or acted upon).


Apr 25, 2002
Re: Listing still has old URL, tried updating...he


Nice site. Since Motsa didn't update your description, you should go ahead and submit an update request for the description. Your site clearly shows that you provide web and graphic design services.

Re: Listing still has old URL, tried updating...he

Mosta.... DEAR GOD, THANK YOU!!!

Seriously, I tried for about a year. It's been a while since I tried again. Maybe something was just gonig wrong. I don't know, but THANK YOU.

cjtripnewton...thanks for checking out my site. You'r right though, the description still needs to be updated. I added graphic design and web design since the old site and I really need those terms for searches.

Right now it says "web graphics", Mosta, did you add that? I really want to get rid of "cartoon" and have the phrases "comic book art", "graphic design" and "web design".

Should I fill out an update form?


Curlie Admin
Sep 18, 2002
Re: Listing still has old URL, tried updating...he

No, I wasn't the one who changed the description or title. But it was changed quite recently by someone who would have viewed the site so I'm not sure you'll get the change you want. To be frank, the fact that you need certain keywords to show up in a search doesn't mean you're entitled to have them or that you'll ever get them in your description. If graphic and web site design are a big part of what you do now, perhaps you're listed in the wrong category.

[edited to add: well, no, you appear to be in the right category. As far as I can see, the description already on your listing is entirely accurate. The site really just contains a portfolio of your work. Contrary to cjtripnewton's advice, I wouldn't recommend you submit a update request.]


Apr 25, 2002
Re: Listing still has old URL, tried updating...he


If you don't submit an update request, the description is extremely unlikely to be updated.

If you do submit an update request, the description may be updated. As you can see from motsa's comments, it is certainly not guaranteed.
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