

New Member
Mar 24, 2011
Hi, this is my first time posting here... so hello!

Most of us know the rules about submitting a site and forgetting about it, eventually a site will be listed.

However, I noticed a big discrepancy a few months back. I figured I would write about it today out of the blue.

I have submitted a site for inclusion, a site that has been in operation longer than another one in the same niche. The other site has been on DMOZ for months now and there is no way that they submitted their site for inclusion before we have. Simply because we have submitted it before that site had launched.

I am quite aware that there are tonnes of requests to get listed and that we all must be patient, this I don't have any issues with.

But how is it possible they were able to submit and get listed successfully in a rather small period of time? Did someone know someone who knew someone to give them preferential listing? payment? It doesn't add up.



Mar 26, 2002
Southern England
You seem to think there's a first in first out queue but that's just not the case.

Editors on limited time often cherry pick the pool of websites awaiting evaluation and choose to give priority to those that appear to have guidelines compliant titles and descriptions, leaving the hyped ones til last.

Others often Google up a few websites to help build a category. In some 'competitive' areas, this can be a lot more productive than digging through a spammy pool of suggested websites in the hopes of discovering a gem. That a website has been suggested doesn't somehow make it more meritorious or deserving of priority treatment.

So you see, it really does add up and there's no need for conspiracy theories. On the other hand, if you have _proof_ of editorial abuse, please report it.


New Member
Mar 24, 2011
You seem to think there's a first in first out queue but that's just not the case.

Editors on limited time often cherry pick the pool of websites awaiting evaluation and choose to give priority to those that appear to have guidelines compliant titles and descriptions, leaving the hyped ones til last.

Others often Google up a few websites to help build a category. In some 'competitive' areas, this can be a lot more productive than digging through a spammy pool of suggested websites in the hopes of discovering a gem. That a website has been suggested doesn't somehow make it more meritorious or deserving of priority treatment.

So you see, it really does add up and there's no need for conspiracy theories. On the other hand, if you have _proof_ of editorial abuse, please report it.

Hi and thanks for the reply.

Sorry for the rash words, a general statement by me since I was a little confused as to why with no apparent reason for it on my end.

Thanks for clearing that up.

I can't really report anything because I have no proof, but I would like them to get around to us one day :)

Thx + Take care.
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