Long live the ODP


Nov 20, 2006
I have come to this forum for the first time today and i am shocked a at some of the negativity towards the open directory project and its editors.

There are even some threads suggesting that dmoz is on it's last legs, so to speak.

I realise that some people hold a grudge against DMOZ because they have failed to get their website listed, I was once one of these people, that is until I realised that the were of little unique value to the directory.

If a website has good unique content then it stands a great chance of being listed. I have had sites listed within three weeks, and i have had some that have taken months. But I no longer make a dialy or even weekly check to see if any of my sites have been listed. i just submit and get on with life. if i get a listing, great. If i don't, oh well, perhaps the subject of my website is already covered.

To many site owners subscribe to the thinking that a listing on DMOZ is essential do the SEO of their site, and that if they are not listed, the editors of DMOZ are in some way jusdging them or even making a personal attack.

Seriously, DMOZ doesnt have to provide anyone with this forum. Possibly they will get rid of it soon because it lloks to me like it is being abused to some extent.

Personally I love the ODP and i hope it goes on for a long time to come. The ODP editors in the most part do a great job without pay, and DMOZ doesn't litter the pages with adverts. It's free directory. I don't see how anyone has the right to complain.

More people should be supportive of this project, whether their sites are listed or not. If you site gets rejected, take a look at what you are doing wrong, not what the editors are doing wrong.

Rant over.

Support the ODP!


Nov 7, 2006
Thank you for your support and understanding, jayweb, you are a breath of fresh air, :) .

My only reason for being in this forum at all, is to promote the kind of understanding you seem to have, and to encourage site suggestion submitters to help speed up the process on their end by submitting proper title/descriptions and category placement.

Those are things we can probably help you with in this forum, without getting site specific.

We are not your enemies, we're here to work with you, not against you, ;) .
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