Looking for more tips on a site submission


Jul 26, 2012
Seattle, WA

I've been running my website now for 5 or 6 years and probably 4 years back, I submitted it to the best category I could find -- The Computers: FAQs, Help, and Tutorials section. I chose this category as it best matches my site and is the category used by other sites which are very very similar to mine.

When I first submitted the site to DMOZ, I was very new to the publishing and website scene and I'm sure I made several mistakes during the submission process including submitting it multiple times and including promotional words along with all caps in the application..... Granted, that was several years back and I can't remember for sure. To make matters worse, over the years as the site grew, I would re-submit the site for consideration once a year or so... Yes I know, a failure on my part which I do not plan to repeat being that I was very careful in my last application to follow all the procedures and rules regarding site submissions.

My question is, now that my site has become very well established in my specific genre, I'm worried that I might have been submitting the site to the wrong category all along and I'm now on a (not sure if this exists) a "Do not list" due to multiple submissions. Would you recommend I just hang tight and wait it out or does it appear that the category I've been using all these years was in fact the wrong one for my site?

I know you receive millions of submissions to the DMOZ and you are very staff constrained. I appreciate any advice you can provide.




Curlie Meta
Oct 8, 2002
A few suggestions of a website to the same category will not get you banned as a spammer.
It could have delayed the processing. Editors have several different ways to sort suggested websites, one of them is by date suggested.
If your site is still about the same subject I advise you to wait. Which means forget about DMOZ and your suggestion, one day it will be reviewed and you have much better things to do in the meantime than to check if it is listed each day (week/month). You can make an assumprion about how many time will happen between suggestion and review based on the estimated number of websites that are about the subject. Bycicle repairshops in a small town will be a small amount, webshops for children clothing will be much more, you can imagine how many computer faqs and tutorial sites there are.

If the site has changed to a very different subject one suggestion to what is now the best category will do you no harm.


Jul 26, 2012
Seattle, WA
Thanks @pvgool for the reply. Funny! Usually I'm the one solving peoples problems! hhehehe

The site has grown over the years and I now include news and a few other tips but I still think the FAQ, Help and Tutorials is the ROOT of my site and by far the majority of what I write about. Just in case, I'll look around DMOZ a bit more and see if I can find another category that might make more sense.

Not sure if you can see my site in my account profile from this account or not but if you disagree, I'd love to hear it. ;)

Thanks for the help. I appreciate it.



Mar 26, 2002
Southern England
Just in case, I'll look around DMOZ a bit more and see if I can find another category that might make more sense.
There's no need to do that. If you've suggested your website to the wrong category, we'll move it.

Not sure if you can see my site in my account profile from this account or not but if you disagree, I'd love to hear it.
As you already know, we avoid giving URL specific advice here. It's unlikely that any editor here will take time out to do as you ask.


Jul 26, 2012
Seattle, WA
There's no need to do that. If you've suggested your website to the wrong category, we'll move it.

As you already know, we avoid giving URL specific advice here. It's unlikely that any editor here will take time out to do as you ask.

No worries Jim. I understand you are all very busy which is why I've waited until now, after several years to ask for a few suggestions regarding my application. That being said, I've learned you have 0% chance if you don't ask for help and normally > 0% if you do. :) Mainly just wanted to make sure it wasn't something I was doing and if I could correct it, then even better.

I normally check back every 2-3 months or so to see if it has been listed and I have no problem continuing to wait. After-all, I never have enough time as it is creating new content for my readers!!!

OK well thank you both for the information. I appreciate the tips and info. Thnx for taking the time to help.

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