Loosing all hope in DMOZ


Sep 1, 2004
I really don’t know what to do anymore, after countless attempts to get my site listed on DMOZ, something is very wrong?
My site started 2004/3/26, and submitted to DMOZ a few months after this, then when nothing happened, I assumed it was my fault and re-submitted still nothing…
Waited…… came here asked in submission was told what to do, did that……. and waited nothing…
Came back and asked about being an editor, which as well as all the other tasks online don’t get the time and my rather poor use of language which is vastly improving….yet still by no means careful enough to be of any use.

Yet now coming up to 3 years on, I have had DMOZ search on my site also and thought that would help (as I do really like the concept), yet given the fact, it is very amateurish to display a search engine that you are not part of….so it has been removed again…(when I am finally listed, will add it again:)

So this is not to have a go, yet a plea for help as in what am I meant to do, now you say don’t ask on here about submission yet I really can’t submit again, I am tired and unsure; what or where again or if it is even worth doing..?
As yeh I can waste my time making a submission yet in the end it is a links directory where it is up to an editor to view my site and categorise it in the long run.
So when someone can, explain to me what or where my site is within your directory system as I have not the foggiest, where or what is going on….

As in total with the amount of times by here also asked to submit again, is about 4/5 times and so really according to submission procedures I am lost?



Curlie Admin
Sep 18, 2002
Yet now coming up to 3 years on, I have had DMOZ search on my site also and thought that would help (as I do really like the concept), yet given the fact, it is very amateurish to display a search engine that you are not part of….so it has been removed again…(when I am finally listed, will add it again:)
You do know that there is no requirement to link to us in order to be listed, right? You're welcome to link (or include a search panel) but it doesn't affect how long it might take for your site to be reviewed.

So when someone can, explain to me what or where my site is within your directory system as I have not the foggiest, where or what is going on….
Unfortunately, we can't give you the information you're looking for. If you've suggested your site 4-5 times, then you can be sure that the suggestion itself hasn't gotten lost. All you can do right now is wait for someone to get around to reviewing the suggestions in the category that you suggested it to.


Curlie Admin
Nov 13, 2003
You may be thinking that the ODP (DMOZ) exists to list sites submitted by webmasters. It doesn't. It's there to be a directory that's useful to surfers. To help editors find sites to list we offer a way for members of the public to suggest sites for us to look at. These sites are then added to a collection which is available to editors to look through. Editors are free to use this collection or to go out and find useful sites themselves. Before sites can be added to the live directory, they must be reviewed to ensure they meet our Site Selection Criteria.

All our editiros are volunteers, and we get a lot of suggestions from the public. You can therefore see why we can't offer any sort of timescale for the review and listing of sites. Since you've already suggested your site, there's nothing that you can do now but wait for an editor to come along and review it.


Nov 7, 2006
I just want to say never give up hope, even after all this time im sure your site will get listed and you will be pleased with the end result

hope should be and always is ... eternal

sally :)
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