Manufacturer/brand names in site descriptions

Does anyone know of an existing policy on including manufacturer/brand names in the description of a commercial site?

Some editors will clean them out of listings, while others will let them slide. Is there one official policy?

It actually depends on relevance, site title and category name rather than any 1 rule on brand/manufacturer names.

Also take note that editors try and describe the site rather than the products being sold, or better yet try and do a little of each, so that we list the contents of the site first and foremost, and then the nature of the business/product/facility... that the site is about.

You will also notice that the fewer manufacturers, the better chance there is for getting their names in the listings. For example, "Harley-Davidson dealer which..." would be more probable than "Sells and services things from ABC, DEF, GHI, JKL, MNO, PRQ and STV."
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