Masonic Homes


Jun 8, 2005
We are having trouble choosing a category for an elderly nursing hospital who is a client of ours.

They have a masonic theme, which I think gets portrayed as a secret mens club with weird hand shakes and has something to do with stonecutting and masonry.

The hospital has a historical legacy where it started from a fund created by Masons for families of non-returning WWII veterans to look after their families during the 50's and 60's.

And today, they are a large professional hospital specialising in three separate modes of care. Self Living, repsite/day care and intensive care/alzheimers.

They are located in Launceston in Tasmania. I dont want to stuff up their listing because of the size and important social responsibility the client has.

I was thinking a geographical listing in Launceston Tasmania, but I cant find the clear category for what they do ?

Any suggestions welcome.


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
It's pretty safe to assume hospitals have a geographic focus.

A second listing is conceivable if there is some social or medical focus that corresponds to an ODP category -- such as, Hospitals currently supported by Shriners, or Cancer Centers.

And, of course, if there is some social or medical focus of worldwide interest, but no ODP category -- then hunt up half-a-dozen other similar sites and suggest them all, with a note to the editor that they could be the core of that new category.


The site confuses me as to where they actually are. "operate two aged care facilities and five residential villages in Launceston and Exeter" yet Exeter is not mentioned elsewhere.

Norwood and Newstead appear to be the actual locations - they are, it appears, suburbs of Launceston. Since they don't (yet) appear to have been created in the ODP as localities, submit to Launceston for a Regional listing (I'd expect a Health sub category to be where it ends up listed ie Launceston/Health).

If there are facilities at Exeter as well, once that information is on the site, would probably be the correct place as that's the category thats covers both Launceston and Exeter.

My 2c

By the way there's a spelling error of "Day Therpay Centre" on the site.


Jun 8, 2005

I spoke to management and told them that a DMOZ editor was confused about Exeter, so they shut the facility down to make things easier to categorise. And there are now 20 homeless elderly wandering the streets of North Launceston wandering why the DMOZ editors were so harsh....

Just Jokes, thanks very much for your help.

Launceston is the location. It is the largest city in Northen Tasmania. Exeter is like the river extension to the north on the left bank of the Tamar river. I used to play golf up there amongst the echidnas and the possums. A more relaxing location you will not find.

We can take it as read that all the mentioned locations are suburbs of Launceston.

So I was thinking


Is that OK ?


Mar 25, 2002
No, just one submission, please. To the first category you suggested.



We can take it as read that all the mentioned locations are suburbs of Launceston.
See we can only review whats on the site when we get to it, I certainly don't know that (and I'm Australian), I certainly wouldn't expect someone in the UK or US to know it.

There are a lot of sites I see that the webmaster/site designer/owner doesn't put information on the site, either because they don't think it's important, or they think it's obvious to anyone reading the site. Whilst their own knowledge may make it obvious, someone who doesn't know them/the business/the location will find the omission makes the information suspect, incomplete, or just plain incomprehensible.

Some sites for a local storefront don't include an address, because 'everyone knows where it is'. Yeah, but surely the web is to reach those people who don't already know that.

As far as I can tell Exeter is not a part of Launceston, and with my limited Tasmanian knowledge it did not appear to be even remotely close. I just checked and apparently they are 24km apart. Certainly not the same Locality.

It appears there is some work to do on the Locality level in Tasmania, for now suggest the site to Launceston, and we'll move it if required.



Jun 8, 2005

I have submitted to the geographical category only.

The hospital category for Northern Tasmani will just have to remain empty.

If those elderly homeless people walking around North Launceston type in hospital in DMOZ for tasmania, I guess they will remain homeless and untreated wondering why the DMOZ editors were so harsh.


I think you are being deliberately obtuse, but I'll try to explain the Regional branch listing levels in simplified generic terms.

The lowest level we list sites in is a Locality. A Locality is an area that people identify with and/or has some identifiable boundary (usually in Oz this is the local government boundaries for towns or recognised boundaries for suburb names).

Sites that have a single physical presence, or concern a single physical location, are listed in the Locality that corresponds to that presence.

In Tasmania at present the next higher levels of Municipality and Region have not been constructed, and therefore the sites that are about or have physical presences in 2 or more Localities are listed in the State level categories. (The current Regions categories only contain pointers to each Locality within the Region [you can see the Launceston@ link in ])

So once a Health sub category exists in Launceston, it would be linked from the State category. Similarly so would one in Exeter if it existed.

If there was more information on the site about it's physical presence and services in Exeter, it could be, as I said before, listed in the State level category. Whoever reviews it will, based on the content at the time, make the decision of the appropriate listing level. In the meantime, please do not resubmit.

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