May I get status of my (2) submissions ?


Aug 2, 2002
I'm afraid that if you can't tell us where you submitted the sites, we can't help you. Sorry.

One thing I can say is that I would not even consider for a listing based on the way I see it. You've placed the entire content of the site into a background image, which appears to be about 800x600. This means that I can see 4 copies of it on my screen all tiled together which looks really weird. Then you've got 4 links at the top, and a mailto link at the bottom. In my browser (today it's Konqueror) the mailto text is placed over the top of the 'TV screen' images, making the text impossible to read. I'm sure it looks lovely on your own machine, but it's not going to look like that for people that didn't buy the exact same make and model of computer as you.

Looking through your source code I see that it was written with Microsoft FrontPage. This will be the source of many of the problems I see.

I don't know whether the 'coming soon' animations down the side are going to turn into real links at some point, but it looks that way. Most editors will assume that they are links to content that isn't there yet. The 'TV screen' images also look like they should be clickable, but they aren't (in my browser). Since you are not supposed to submit until your site is completed, it will probably get deleted out of hand.

Neither is behaving any better.

Of the 4 (four) links found on the right navigation panel:
- Home leads to the homepage, ok
- Experience leads to a page which is identical to the home page
- Locations leads to the same, identical page
- Contact Us leads to a mail form where I see the following text: "In order to assist you better, please fill out this short form and we will get back to you promptly. Or you may call us at: (708) XXX-XXXX" Uhmmm.... I tried to call (708) XXX-XXXX but didn't work on my phone <img src="/images/icons/tongue.gif" alt="" /> Also, the mail is sent to (?) but the form doesn't work (tried with IE 6.0 and NS 7).

When you will have something looking like a website online, please resubmit.
This site has been archived and is no longer accepting new content.