May I have some queries!


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2010
Assam, India
Dear Sirs,

I have few queries for my knowledge about ODP. These are for informational purpose and not meant to any offence.

1] I was suggesting several sites under category and most of them were listed. To say more frankly, none of those suggested site were related to me by my profession or my personal interest. Since last year, I am observing that the category is not being updated. I waited for a long period. And in August, 2010 I have found a link at the bottom of the page of that category as Volunteer to edit this category. I have made a general concept that either the Editor's account of that category is removed(for whatever reason) or there is no Editor for the category yet. So I did determine to apply to become an Editor of that Category. Being Web Developer myself, I do think that it is not either restricted or violation to apply to become an Editor.

2] I have applied for more than 10 times and getting rejected every time, mostly within 14 hours of apply. But there was never any Reviewer Comments in the mail stating reject. I do check everything as per ODP guidelines when I do apply and I have not committed any violation of guidelines. The strange thing for me is I am getting rejected within 14 hours or 48 hours whenever I do apply for the category. This means any Senior Editor or Administrator are active above or for that Category(this is my general idea). If so, then it is really funny that the Senior Editor/Editors do not have time to update the category since last year, but he has time to reject applications within 48 hours, from people who apply to become Editor for that category. I would like put the matter for the ODP Administrators' attention. Hope I will get kind response from Jim Noble and Elper as I have found they are always helpful and quick to reply in this forum. My query is for the greater interest of keeping the category updated, not to accept/approve me as an Editor for that category. If the category remain updated, in fact I will be more happy.

3] Regarding to my application to become an Editor under the category I have mentioned above, I would like to say with honor that I do not have any personal or professional interest for it instead of taking it as a hobby. Because I have suggested more than 50/60 websites since 2007 under this category which were designed by other webmasters(some people say them as business competitors but I do not think so as I believe there is no friend and no enemy in business) and I have suggested only 1 website designed by me to list under the category which is yet not listed. So from this point, I must have the honor to say that I do not have any professional or personal interest to be an Editor of that Category.

4] Though I am getting rejected again & again, I have determined that I will keep applying until I get the solution of either the activity of any other Editor there or I am approved for it. I think I am not doing any violation.

Kindly do not take these queries as any offence. These are just for general interest only.


Dhruba Jyoti Deka


Curlie Meta
Oct 8, 2002
1. Being a webdevelopper is no problem. Just be honest about it and do not favor any of the websites you are affiliated with.

2. Every rejected application always has some reasons. Sometimes only a list of standard reasons is provided, sometimes a special addition is made. Being able to indentify and solve the reason(s) which apply for your application from the list of common mistakes can be seen as part of the application process. Each editor will have to do similar tasks in his dayly activities.

3. Did you tell this on your applications? Editors can find a lot of information about you but they are not claicoyant.

4. You will not get a solution from us. You must be able to indetify and solve the problem(s) by yourself.


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2010
Assam, India
1. Being a webdevelopper is no problem. Just be honest about it and do not favor any of the websites you are affiliated with.

2. Every rejected application always has some reasons. Sometimes only a list of standard reasons is provided, sometimes a special addition is made. Being able to indentify and solve the reason(s) which apply for your application from the list of common mistakes can be seen as part of the application process. Each editor will have to do similar tasks in his dayly activities.

3. Did you tell this on your applications? Editors can find a lot of information about you but they are not claicoyant.

4. You will not get a solution from us. You must be able to indetify and solve the problem(s) by yourself.

1] While I am suggesting websites designed by other webmasters for long years, so no question arises about doing favor. As I have already said that I have suggested only 1 website I am associated with, before applying then there should not be any doubt on my honesty, and I do also write about the sites in the application I am associated with and also do write that those sites are designed by me but not related with the category for which I am applying to become an Editor. I am very concern about the Guidelines.

2] Regarding to 'list of standard reasons is provided', it is quite frustrating that the Senior Editor or Administrator who is rejecting more than 10 times, does not have 1 minute to write the reviewer comment but he can check the application and reject so quick that within even 14 hours too. My concern is about the miracle that the Application get rejected within hours which means the Senior Editor has time to review my application to reject, but does not have time to update the category(I think he too can update the category for which I am applying, as he can reject my application) or does not have even 1 minute to write few words in reviewer comments.

3] Yes I have mentioned that thing in almost every application. I wonder if ODP has the logs of the listed sites, and if it has, then I am sure that it will get my log of suggesting other sites which are not related to my professional or personal interest by any mean. I do also remember all the email ids I used to suggest all those sites and the time(though it will not match 100% because remembering the time when I submitted which site is not so possible because I did not have any thought at that time that keeping record of the time and exact details will help me to become an Editor in ODP).

4. Yes Sir, I know it that I will not get any solution from you. That is why I have determined to apply again and again. Just wanted to know from you that is it a crime or violation of policy to apply again & again?
As you have suggested to find the solution myself, I have found the solution as applying again & again to become an Editor until there any Editor get activated. Once there will be any Editor, I will stop applying, because I want that category to remain updated.
If applying again & again is not a crime in ODP, then I will not get tired applying again & again. If the Senior Editor or Administrator who is rejecting me does not get tired to view & reject my application(I wonder if there is any blockade script for particular mail id or domain for the applicant's email id), then I will also not get tired applying again & again.
I am sure, one day there will be somebody get activated as an Editor. I do not bother if I can not be that one, I only want to see the category updated. And that day I will be happy.



Meta & kMeta
Curlie Meta
Mar 28, 2003
My concern is about the miracle that the Application get rejected within hours which means the Senior Editor has time to review my application to reject, but does not have time to update the category(I think he too can update the category for which I am applying, as he can reject my application)

The editors who review editor applications are Meta editors, who have editing rights in the entire directory. (There is also an editor group called Catmods, who have editing rights in a particular large part of the directory, and review editor applications in that directory tree). In other words, while it is true that the reviewer has editing rights in the category you apply for, she or he also has editing rights in thousands of other categories, and has the right and privilege to edit wherever they prefer - just as all other editors have the right and privilege to edit wherever they prefer, within the limits of their editing rights.


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2010
Assam, India
The editors who review editor applications are Meta editors, who have editing rights in the entire directory. (There is also an editor group called Catmods, who have editing rights in a particular large part of the directory, and review editor applications in that directory tree). In other words, while it is true that the reviewer has editing rights in the category you apply for, she or he also has editing rights in thousands of other categories, and has the right and privilege to edit wherever they prefer - just as all other editors have the right and privilege to edit wherever they prefer, within the limits of their editing rights.

Sir, none of my queries are intended to make any offence. All I am looking for is to see the category to be active and remain updated.

I will keep appealing you all to make the category active and updated. I will never have any will to apply to become an Editor, if the category gets active once by any other Editor.

I am really very sad to see the category passive for many years and with only few listed sites. There are almost 100+ Government websites which are listable under that category. I have suggested many Government websites, College & University websites in last 2 years but not listed yet. To say with honor, none of those suggested websites are related to my personal or professional interest. I have not designed any of them which I suggested.

The category is quite outdated with the listing. Even many of the listed websites are with either another contents or with another Description or being forwarded to another url.

There are many Government Colleges & Universities also opened in last 2 years. By no mean of personal interest, those should be get listed in DMOZ.



Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2010
Assam, India
The editors who review editor applications are Meta editors, who have editing rights in the entire directory. (There is also an editor group called Catmods, who have editing rights in a particular large part of the directory, and review editor applications in that directory tree). In other words, while it is true that the reviewer has editing rights in the category you apply for, she or he also has editing rights in thousands of other categories, and has the right and privilege to edit wherever they prefer - just as all other editors have the right and privilege to edit wherever they prefer, within the limits of their editing rights.

My humble request and appeal to all DMOZ Administrators to take an initiative to make active and keep updated the category

For this kind favor, I do admit the following:

1] You do remove site/sites listed in DMOZ that is designed by me, if any listed there.
2] You do place my application in blacklist forever, to become an Editor in any category of DMOZ.
3] You do blacklist any suggested(regardless who suggested) or will be suggested sites in future that are designed by me or my company. For your information I have my complete address in my profile.

I will be happy even getting blacklisted my own designed sites too, forever, if the category get active and remain updated. But kindly do not prevent me to suggest other sites which I am doing for years.

I do not have anything more to say. All I want to stat or appeal or pray is to bring DMOZ Administrators' attention to the category.

Kindly keep DMOZ as it was. :)



Meta & kMeta
Curlie Meta
Mar 28, 2003
none of my queries are intended to make any offence.

None taken, and I'm sorry if my response came over as sounding offended :)

All dmoz editors are anxious and eager for our directory to be updated. We would like each and every category to be comprehensive and content-rich and well-organised and free from dead links - this is our hobby and many of us feel rather passionate about it. But we, as editors, have to accept that there are many more categories than there are editors, and it just isn't humanly possible to achieve a perfect directory. It is always going to be a work in progress, with some categories being better updated than others. It is very much in our interest to have updated categories, because that's what we are here for.

It is excellent that you want to be part of the solution, and have applied to become an editor. As long as the rejection letters do not ask you to stop applying, you are welcome to try again; many of our most prolific editors had to apply more than once before being accepted.


Curlie Meta
Oct 8, 2002
4. Yes Sir, I know it that I will not get any solution from you. That is why I have determined to apply again and again. Just wanted to know from you that is it a crime or violation of policy to apply again & again?
As you have suggested to find the solution myself, I have found the solution as applying again & again to become an Editor until there any Editor get activated. Once there will be any Editor, I will stop applying, because I want that category to remain updated.
If applying again & again is not a crime in ODP, then I will not get tired applying again & again. If the Senior Editor or Administrator who is rejecting me does not get tired to view & reject my application(I wonder if there is any blockade script for particular mail id or domain for the applicant's email id), then I will also not get tired applying again & again.
I am sure, one day there will be somebody get activated as an Editor. I do not bother if I can not be that one, I only want to see the category updated. And that day I will be happy.

Applying again and again is NOT the solution.
First identofy the problem(s) with your application.
Than find how to solve the problem(s).
Only than write one new application.
Sending new applications without solving the problem(s) will only waste your and our time as it will be rejected over and over again for the same reasons.
There will come some time that we will decide that more applications from you will not be of any use and you will be asked to not apply again.

Aplying again and again for the reason you provided is not acceptable.

A category will only be updated when someone is interested enough in the subject. This can be a current editor or someone who has not applied yet. When this will happen is noone knows, could be tomorrow could be over 5 years or more. From the DMOZ perpective we do not care. We look at the directory as a whole. Does the directpry still grow and improve: yes, it does. That is what we care for.

So please stop applying as an editor unless you are willing to spend the time and effort to solve the issues in your previous applications.


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2010
Assam, India
None taken, and I'm sorry if my response came over as sounding offended :)

All dmoz editors are anxious and eager for our directory to be updated. We would like each and every category to be comprehensive and content-rich and well-organised and free from dead links - this is our hobby and many of us feel rather passionate about it. But we, as editors, have to accept that there are many more categories than there are editors, and it just isn't humanly possible to achieve a perfect directory. It is always going to be a work in progress, with some categories being better updated than others. It is very much in our interest to have updated categories, because that's what we are here for.

It is excellent that you want to be part of the solution, and have applied to become an editor. As long as the rejection letters do not ask you to stop applying, you are welcome to try again; many of our most prolific editors had to apply more than once before being accepted.

Thank you Sir, for your kind response. It is my pleasure that you have responded and helped me to gain more knowledge about ODP.

Whatever there may be issue, our wish is to remain ODP active, alive and is it was.

Hope the ODP Administrators will find more volunteer(devoted for sure) editors for categories to maintain those active and updated. :)


Dhruba Jyoti Deka


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2010
Assam, India
None taken, and I'm sorry if my response came over as sounding offended :)

All dmoz editors are anxious and eager for our directory to be updated. We would like each and every category to be comprehensive and content-rich and well-organised and free from dead links - this is our hobby and many of us feel rather passionate about it. But we, as editors, have to accept that there are many more categories than there are editors, and it just isn't humanly possible to achieve a perfect directory. It is always going to be a work in progress, with some categories being better updated than others. It is very much in our interest to have updated categories, because that's what we are here for.

It is excellent that you want to be part of the solution, and have applied to become an editor. As long as the rejection letters do not ask you to stop applying, you are welcome to try again; many of our most prolific editors had to apply more than once before being accepted.

Well, today I have got reply with reject of my latest application, as before.

In the status, the reviewer comment it is written: I would further add that, to save your time and ours, that YOU DO NOT ATTEMPT TO APPLY AGAIN as any further applications will have the same conclusion.

Well I knew that. Because as I bring the issue to RZ forum, the Senior Editor or whoever commented, got alerted about his doing. Really, now I am enjoying the fun I did expect. :)

However there are the funny reviewer comments added:

1] Mr. Deka, It has come to my attention during the processing of your application that you have applied multiple times under different potential editor names.

My Query: I did applied first with the name dhrubajyotideka and got rejected. Next time I tried the same and got Error with the username, so I had to change dhrubajyotideka to djdeka. Again I got rejected. More I was getting rejected, the more I had to change the user name.

But my real name was always same: Dhruba Jyoti Deka

So where is the issue to claim the point 1, while I myself always used my real name same?

2] Your intention to solicit monies for DMOZ listings seems to be further evidenced by your want to have an editors name that is akin to your business, for example rbizsolutions4dmoz.

My Query: So the username is also considered as an issue? Really funny. And I was stupid to use that username. :)

But the Senior Editor, who rejected my application for this reason of the rbizsolutions4dmoz username, did not used his 1 minute to realize that every word I used were purely from me. If I had to hide, I would hide from very beginning.

May I know why it is considered as an offence to use that username? It that was an offence, then what was the cause for previous rejections, as I used that username in my 6th Application. I have all the applications saved before I did submit, all the emails from DMOZ too. :)

3] Under these circumstances I have no absolutely no other path to take other than to decline your application.

My Query: I smell poor grammar of the Senior Editor in this sentence, if I am not wrong. :)

4] I note from one of your previous applications that you directly mention that persons may "pay you a few bucks" for listings in DMOZ.

My Appeal: I strongly appeal to disclose publicly that application, where I wrote that. Because I never used it. And I strongly condemn this blame on me. The Senior Editor did the mistake in the bracketed texts. I do not use "..a few", I do use only "..few" in any sentence, regardless what sentence it is.

I knew and I knew well, that this time the Senior Editor will place a STOP MARK in my applying. So he used blame on me mentioning this wrong put up which I never did.

THE PROOF: The poor grammar of the Senior Editor who is rejecting my application, itself are the proofs of his ill-treat.

Now I will stop applying. I think I am ordered to stop suggesting sites too, as the Senior Editor already put blame on me. Who knows, I may suggest taking bribes. Lol.

Till I would like to appeal to the ODP Administrators to have look up on the Categories and look for Senior Editors' Activities too. Guidelines say: No poor grammar. Then how come the Senior Editor use poor grammar!! :)

I appeal to the Senior Editor to disclose that application, where I wrote as he stated in his comment: I note from one of your previous applications that you directly mention that persons may "pay you a few bucks" for listings in DMOZ.

I must say, while it is all known that taking money to list in ODP is a violation of ODP rules, no fool too will write in his Editor's application, that he will get few bucks for listing in ODP.

ODP Administrator should kindly look after this issue.

The following is the reviewer comment I got after more than 15+ applications, with example of his grammar:

Reviewer Comments:

Mr. Deka, It has come to my attention during the processing of your application that you have applied multiple times under different potential editor names. I note from one of your previous applications that you directly mention that persons may "pay you a few bucks" for listings in DMOZ. I would like to refer you to our guidelines at They state: "We rely on the philanthropy of our volunteer editors, and strongly discourage anyone from accepting or soliciting any form of compensation for their participation in the Open Directory. Additionally, we discourage submitters from soliciting or bribing editors in exchange for listings in the directory. Editors found to be accepting or soliciting bribes in exchange for listing sites or unfairly promoting these sites over others will be removed from the directory." Your intention to solicit monies for DMOZ listings seems to be further evidenced by your want to have an editors name that is akin to your business, for example rbizsolutions4dmoz. Under these circumstances I have no absolutely no other path to take other than to decline your application. I would further add that, to save your time and ours, that YOU DO NOT ATTEMPT TO APPLY AGAIN as any further applications will have the same conclusion.

(I am wondering, I will be banned from this forum too, by the same Senior Editor.)


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2010
Assam, India
BTW, it seems most of the Senior Editors are busy on rejecting other applications for Editor, instead of taking care of the categories.

Same I said before, the Senior Editor have time to be busy with application reject things, but no time for category updates for more than years.

Till no ill feelings for ODP. I will always wish for ODP to remain as it was, but not as it is. :)


Meta & kMeta
Curlie Meta
Mar 28, 2003
Thank you for your input. We are not able to discuss individual rejection messages.


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2010
Assam, India
Thank you for your input. We are not able to discuss individual rejection messages.

I can understand the limitation of discussion. No hard feeling from my side for ODP. Just I felt sad that I have been blamed as I am trying to gain Editor access for my business purpose. Before I applied last(which got rejected with blame just few hours before), I did admitted everything here.

However it is ODP's matter. You will do as you wish. :)

As already I have been blamed, my every suggestion to list also be considered as same, I have taken money and suggested the site to list, regardless what is the truth.



Curlie Meta
Oct 8, 2002
Editor applications and messages you recieved are private and should not be published here.
That si also one of the reasons why we will not discuss individual applications.

I think I am ordered to stop suggesting sites too
This has totaly no relation with your applications. We always welcome good websites to be suggested.

Till I would like to appeal to the ODP Administrators to have look up on the Categories
As I write before an editor will look at a category when he/she is interested in the subject. We can not be forced to look at any category or website.
ODP Admins are also volunteer editors. And I do not know if any of them read this forum.
People mentioned as Forum Admin are not ODP Admins (although they could be), these two functions are not related.


Mar 26, 2002
Southern England
This thread seems to have reached a natural conclusion, if unsatisfactory to RbizSolutions, so closing.

@RbizSolutions: Do not start further threads here about your editor applications or about the relative importance of the categories that you're interested in.
This site has been archived and is no longer accepting new content.