mirror site defination


Oct 24, 2006
Hi All,

Very new to this forum, so I hope i have put this in the right place. I have a question about mirror sites - what is classed as a mirror site? -

For e.g I have created a site for a photographer who has flash on her site to view her portfolios she has asked me to create another a html version of the site for accessibilty - the sites are almost identical in design except for the fact there are two different web addresses and on the portfolios - one site has flash and the other is just xhtml and css. Both sites say click here to view html version - or click here to view flash version - so they are linked.

Although her main site is the flash version - Would the html version be considered as a mirrored site?

I am bit confused if i should just submit the main site (when its working) or both?



Jul 16, 2004
North Carolina
What you might want to do is if the flash site will be the main site, provide a link to the html site from the flash site. This way people who cannot view flash in their browser have a link to view the html form. As for submitting the site to the directory, submit the main site to the directory leaving the 2nd site accessible through the main site so users can switch to an html format if needed. Submitting both of them would not make much sense anyways since they are nearly identical as you describe making it a mirror site.
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