mirror sites and multiply submits


Nov 13, 2005
Hi and thank you for reading.
I submited my site to dmoz about 2 months ago in a mad attempt to get it listed on the web. At that time, my page was all in html and I had a programmer writing php for it.

About 3 weeks after submitting the original URL, the programmer launched the page with one potential problem. He had written the page to jump from the main page http://www.austherapy.com.au to http://www.austherapy.com.au/site/index.php

He has told me that it won't be a problem and it is his style of writing. I don't know much about page workings, but I wonder if that is a "mirror" or "redirecting page", since it is doing exactly that. Would that affect the inclusion when the time comes when the editor comes to review my site.

Secondly, would it give me problems to submit it again? is there anyway to check?

Thanks for your time.
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