Missing Category? Online product management


May 27, 2009
How does one propose a new category

I propose a new category for online product management concerned with collating together useful websites and other categories that would support the product management worker in their research needs. Online product management is significantly different to offline - such as biscuit production.

There are choices here as to whether this should be a global generic category or under each country. While there are local websites - the topic is a global one and hugely important - combining Product management, Product Marketing management, User Experience. This should not be an IT category.

I would be interested to know what people think.



Curlie Admin
Nov 13, 2003
New categories like that are also only be created after internal discussion amongst editors. It's possible that someone reading here will like your idea enough to present it for discussion in our internal forums. However, if you really think that it would be a good move for the directory, then why not become an editor, and then you can start the discussion yourself. Since the category doesn't exist yet, you'd have to apply to a different category to start off with, but if/when the category was created, you'd be able to apply to edit there too.
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