moderators and editors are sleeping now, gentle please don't disturb


Apr 18, 2005
Hi all,

I think that all our editors are in sleep, do you agree with me? Proof: My site has been listed in Dmoz for nearly 2 years serveral month ago I updated it but still now It stays the same with the old title and the old description which are not appropriate at all.
I am writing these words to editor to get a quick review of my site update. Please update the new title and description for my site.

Thanks in advance
Thanh Nguyen


Curlie Meta
Apr 30, 2002
Posting in this action will not lead to any advantage in listing / updating / ... an ODP entry. If you think about it for a while, you will realize that this forum would become flooded with pleas once we started doing so.

An editor will process you update request eventually, and either accept it or parts of it or decline it. Most of those "Title and description are not apropriate" requests ask the editor to either add a lot of keywords or change the description into a ptomotional hype. Or they ask to change the title to something completeley inapropriate in regards of the ODP rules or to add a subtitle. All of those requests are most likely rejected without further looks.


Jan 23, 2003
Editors, whether asleep or awake, consider update requests very carefully.

Usually the first few criteria are:

Is the current title and description guidelines compliant?

Is the current title and description factually accurate?

Is the update request designed to correct a factual error (site placement, title or description inaccuracies) or is it simply vanity based?

If the request involves a change in placement, does the request comply with the guidelines?

You say the title and description are not appropriate. Understand that appropriate is subjective. Are they accurate is a better question.

You are also asking us to violate the rules of the forum by giving you special treatment -- does your update reuqest treat our guidelines in manner that is equally cavalier?

Remember this: the purpose of the title and description, along with the category name, are to provide directory users with a good picture of the content of a website. They are not designed to promote the business, boast of its market prowess, or make marketing claims. Marketing hype is not acceptable.


Apr 18, 2005
so....everything will be stay the same, unchanged, way, so solution for my site update. I am sure that my new title and description is information and short enough....but I have been waiting for so long.
I ask editor of ... for editing my site update.




Jun 30, 2005
While the categories where I have permissions receive few update requests, I have seen and reviewed a few in the last year.

One, in the last week, deserved and received an update. The balance seem to want the ODP to load keywords into their description, which - as spectregunner has so eloquently stated - is not the purpose of a site description.

Please remember that the ODP is not an SEO tool or search engine. If the title and description of your (or anyone's) site is an accurate representation of what surfers will find there, editors have no need or reason to modify that information.
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