Mortgage Calculator


Nov 15, 2005
A few years ago I submitted a 'loan calculator' site with the following listing...

<URL removed> - Almost twenty financial calculations available, some in tabular form. "Top: Business: Financial Services: Mortgages: Calculators" located at:

This site has a bunch of mortgage, debt, and financial calculators on it. Most are cgi/perl. That site is still operational and everything is ok there. Recently however, I created a new 'mortgage calculator' site that I would like to get listed with you, so I just submitted the following to the same category:

<URL removed>
Offers webmasters simple cut and paste code to add an entire suite of free mortgage calculators to their website.

Honestly, I would love to get a listing for the root domain of this site, in addition to the old loan site, because nothing at all is shared between the two... different scripts, there's a few directories of credit unions and banks, some related feed/news and a bunch of other articles and useful links, plus some amazon stuff to try and make a buck, etc. But I know that you all may consider this type of submission abusive ("Multiple submissions of the same or related sites may result in the exclusion and/or deletion of those and all affiliated sites") ...and so while I do think the new site is much more focused on the mortgage industry in particular in some ways, it isn't really in others, because the other site also dealt with finance. If it had all the calculators the other one did, I would ask for an update (ie. switching them out) but since it doesn't, I decided against that.

What I *DID* do though was submit one page from the new site that I thought was quite unique and useful... it was a list of feeds that when placed on another site, and the page loaded, a calculator would appear. This way people (like real estate agents) who may want a calculator on their site but DON'T have the skills or a programmer to install them, could just cut and paste a simple snippet and we would take care of the rest. The description therefore focuses on this b2b aspect and not b2c aspect which is really the bulk of the site.

Anyway, I just wanted to be totally up front about what was going on so that editors were fully disclosed so that both sites didn't get yanked on the premise it was 2 sites, on the same subject, presented by the same guy. Does anyone have a problem with this type of submission? I saw others on that page that had subpages listed, so I thought that was a valid route.


Nov 15, 2005
does that mean there IS a problem? or that it is a valid submission? As far as I know, no one has ever offered calcs in a feed before, so it is about as unique as you can get and so i figured it was worthy of consideration, I just didn't want someone thinking I'm trying to be secretive.


Curlie Admin
Sep 18, 2002
I presumed it to mean just that -- "oh". I got the impression you weren't so much asking a question as explaining what you did and that doesn't require much of an answer.
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