(was: How many years)




For 6 months, I tried to submit my main website to Dmoz and I do not have any luck:

My URL is

The category is Business: Real Estate: Residential: Corporate Housing

There is no editor for this category, I tried to contact the top editor without success.

Now I try again and ... ASP error, I read the post on this matter but it does not explain me why I could not get my site listed in the past 6 months.

Thank you very much for your answer and your kindness.


Mar 25, 2002
Re: How many years will I have to wait to be listed?

The reason why we can't list a particular site within a particaulr timeframe is quite simple.. first, we have significantly more submissions than we have editing time to deal with them. As editors are volunteers and we do not put any requirement on the amount of time they edit (since they are not getting paid), this means that we do not have enough editors.

Secondly, again because our editors are volunteers, we do not prescribe what order they do their work in.

I hope this explains why it takes some sites an extremely long time to get listed. I would love to be able to be in the position where the ODP has enough editors to keep up with the tide of submissions, but that is just a fantasy.

The good news, though, is that you can stop resubmitting your site - it is awaiting review in the category you named. it *will* be dealt with at some stage down the road. You will have to be patient, I'm afraid.

Sorry the news isn't any better, but I hope I have explained the situation for you.


Re: How many years will I have to wait to be listed?

Thank you for your quick answers and for this info Alucard

Windharp thank you for your comments

my main website is and it provides accommodation and offices listing in all major cities of Asia, Australia and really soon Europe, it is not only dedicated to Thailand.

Business: Real Estate: Residential: Corporate Housing

is the category that is the most suitable for the root.

Thanks again and best regards

Re: How many years will I have to wait to be listed?

Between 0 and 10 years... but it does NOT help at all for you to submit the site to many somewhat related categories hoping for a listing wherever possible. <img src="/images/icons/frown.gif" alt="" />

This site looks a lot like to me. Shouldn't be the one listed?


Re: How many years will I have to wait to be listed?

dear Kcipton, I tried to contact you via the feedback form but maybe you did not receive my message, here is the explanation: is a website specialized in Serviced apartments and serviced offices in Bangkok (Thailand) only is specialized in serviced apartments, corporate housing and serviced offices all around the world (all major cities) we cover already Asia, Australia and some cities in europe (planned: all Europe and USA)

That s why I would like my website to be submitted in a general category rather than being specific to one city.

The category I would like to be listed is Business: Real Estate: Residential: Corporate Housing

best regards
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