Movies Category Out of Date


May 17, 2004
Holy moly, is anyone still editing this category anymore? I've noticed that no new movie titles have been added to the directory for what seemed like centuries. New & upcoming releases like Man on Fire, Troy, and The Day After Tomorrow are no where to be found. The only new releases on the site were added years ago. In fact, most of the current releases in theaters are not listed at all in the directory. What's going on? Administrators, editors?


May 17, 2004
You can easily get a list of current and upcoming releases from any of these sites:

- Yahoo! Movies (
- Or any general movie site

Again, it used to be very current and up to date. What happened? Did a bunch of editors left or what?


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
Take a deep breath, wipe the froth off your chin, and start again.

The consensus of editors working in the Movies area was that we were linking too deep, and it wasn't helping users as much as we could. So a great deal of effort has been spent cleaning up the unfortunate results. Future movies will never be represented like some older movies were (and may still be--I haven't heard that the cleanup was complete.)

You're welcome to submit sites to Movies categories. Be aware that the single-page reviews won't be considered for deeplinking, though, which means some movies simply won't be able to sustain categories.


May 17, 2004
Yeah, I noticed that. Editors were not only linking to single review pages, but also reading and pulling quotes. That's a lot of work. That's going a bit too deep, especially since there are sites like Rotten Tomatoes and Metacritic ( and Yahoo! Movies too) who already does it very well.

Still, they should at a minimum link to the official sites and open up categories for new, current, and upcoming movies. There are so many fansites out there (not all great, but that's why there are editors). I'm pretty sure editors won't have a problem filling them up. At its current state, it feels a bit dead.

hutcheson said:
Take a deep breath, wipe the froth off your chin, and start again.

The consensus of editors working in the Movies area was that we were linking too deep, and it wasn't helping users as much as we could. So a great deal of effort has been spent cleaning up the unfortunate results. Future movies will never be represented like some older movies were (and may still be--I haven't heard that the cleanup was complete.)

You're welcome to submit sites to Movies categories. Be aware that the single-page reviews won't be considered for deeplinking, though, which means some movies simply won't be able to sustain categories.


Mar 25, 2002
It's a big branch of the directory. The editors there have a lot of work. I suspect that they spend a lot of time sorting through the crap that gets submitted. :)


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
I should ask, are you possibly interested in helping?

Pick a movie that's not represented, find three good sites (the official one presumably being a no-brainer), and apply to the LETTER category, mentioning in your application that you really want to edit a nonexistant subcategory. (We can do that.)

Once you're in, you can use your "Private Bookmarks" category to build categories for movies without waiting for permission. When you have half-a-dozen sites or so, just post a note in the internal forums asking for that category to be moved into the public area. The metas can generally do a quick sanity check and move, and you don't have to wait for permission to work.


May 25, 2004
hutcheson said:
I should ask, are you possibly interested in helping?

Pick a movie that's not represented, find three good sites (the official one presumably being a no-brainer), and apply to the LETTER category, mentioning in your application that you really want to edit a nonexistant subcategory. (We can do that.)

Once you're in, you can use your "Private Bookmarks" category to build categories for movies without waiting for permission. When you have half-a-dozen sites or so, just post a note in the internal forums asking for that category to be moved into the public area. The metas can generally do a quick sanity check and move, and you don't have to wait for permission to work.

Well, nogard didn't reply, but I'm definitely interested in helping out, specifically with the movies section. I mean, I can't even find a listing for "Troy". If nothing else I'd like to help keep this area current. I realize that, according to my registration I'm a "newbie" to the forums, but I do use and try to contribute to DMOZ when I can, so I'd like to help out if possible.

- Mark


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
The usual trick is to find three sites for the movie, apply to the LETTER CATEGORY. It's too big to apply to, but we can create the specific movie subcategory and give it to you.

You also automatically get your bookmarks category, out of site of the world, where you can grow little cats for new movies.


May 25, 2004
hutcheson said:
The usual trick is to find three sites for the movie, apply to the LETTER CATEGORY. It's too big to apply to, but we can create the specific movie subcategory and give it to you.

You also automatically get your bookmarks category, out of site of the world, where you can grow little cats for new movies.

Thanks. I went ahead and applied to a letter category (at least I think I did). I guess I'll wait and see what the results are.

- Mark
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