Moving category


Mar 14, 2004
Dear whoever may be listening.

We are a humble site that has worked hard through highs and lows to improve the quality of our content and the products we sell Just one problem! our site is incorrectly listed in the mighty dmoz directory we have tried and tried to get our listing changed but to no avail we have submitted /re submitted filled in the change request,sent emails promises have been made and broken.

Listed in: Top: Shopping: Jewelry: Watches: Utility

All we want is the .com changing to and posibly a listing in the regional section /Regional/Europe/United_Kingdom/England/West_Yorkshire/Pontefract/

These changes only serve to make the directory more accurate as the current listing does nothing but misdirect people. Any help on this subject would be most apreciated.


Mar 26, 2002
Southern England appears to be functional and sensibly listed. Whilst this remains true, its URL won't be changed. is a mirror of it and will not be listed whilst the .com version exists. (You'll have already read in our submission guidelines that we don't list mirrors.)

When you suggested that we list in Pontefract (despite acknowledging that you agreed with our submission guidelines during the process), rather than decline it out of hand, we attempted to evaluate the .com version instead. It was unavailable at that time (February/15/2004 10:11:35 GMT) and was thus declined anyway.

Now that I can see the website, it appears to be a mail order only operation with no 'useful to the surfer' presence in Pontefract. It's unlikely to be listed there.

If you don't want the .com version listed, replace it with a prominent redirection notice and timed redirect to the version and then request a URL update so that we'll change to Alternatively, ask your geeks to set up a permanent 301 redirect.


Curlie Meta
Oct 8, 2002
Although I'm a fellow editor of Jimnoble I can't agree with him on this.
The emailaddress used on both sites is
The products and login link on the .com site goto the site
So IMHO the sit should be listed as this is the original site and the .com site is the mirror.


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
The webmaster has the choice of what URLs to promote, and many legitimate organizations have multiple domain names for good reasons. The editor decides which of multiple working URLs to list.

However, you can make it easy for us. Make it obvious at every website what the organization's true home page is. (Spammers often confuse that deliberately; SEOers or webdesigners who have had mostly spammers as clients may not know any better.)

Jim's advice remains indisputable: make the .com redirect to the with a 301 (permanent redirect) return code. The URL will get changed in the normal course of Robozilla-driven events. While an editor MIGHT track down the e-mail address, most likely the first and only check will be as Jim suggested.

(Doesn't the "update URL" count for anything? Actually, no, not a thing: in the face of evidence that the last editor thought the other URL was the correct one, and it still works, why does the site need re-review? But doesn't the webmaster's wish count for anything? Also, no, not a thing: and in any case we don't know whether the submitter is the webmaster or a malicious enemy. But couldn't you investigate that? No: if you want an identity theft investigation, hire a private eye. We just review websites.)


Mar 26, 2002
Southern England
The .com version got listed first so it takes precedence. The mirror was only noticed later.

Had both URLs not been submitted to entirely different categories (in contravention of our submission guidelines) in the first place, there wouldn't have been a problem :D . The Pontefract submission is recent BTW.


Mar 14, 2004
Wo Wo guys this is way over my head.

When I set the company I had the option to buy .com and the and for 30 quid I bought both the isp then asked what I want to do with them so I said point them both to, ssl certs email all use now it was suggested that if you want international recognition submit the .com (Bad advise) so I did anyhow business changes and now we concentrate on the domestic market only. So we now just use the I believe it is the primary url the .com is just an alias, now business and ranking is hard enough as it is without setting up redirects to further confuse customers. I turned off the alias and resubmitted but the dramatic affect it had on my google ranking forced me to turn it back on again. That fact is we are not a .com company we are a and all I need is someone is to remove the m and put .uk then I can turn off the alias. Then the demoz listing will be correct, google will be happy, Ill be happy but most of the dmoz user will be happy.

As for multiple submissions in different category’s this is just an attempt to correct our listing as our business shifts I don’t know how your systems work! Our only connection with dmoz is a form that presents no feed back! Should you make a submission I thought a bit of primary school CGI could inform the submitter that you already exist and must use a different procedure.

As for regional listing I the company is in that area and I thought it may be helpful everyone likes the local touch.

Anyway we are asked to submit our email address when submitting our sites is this not to communicate with the owner of the submission.

Don’t get me wrong Dmoz is the best way to get accurate information on websites I just want to join the rest of the bunch.

How do we go about correcting this mess ?

Thanks for your comments and help


Mar 26, 2002
Southern England
I don’t know how your systems work!
But our submission guidelines, which you acknowledged you agreed at submission time, include
Do not submit URLs that contain only the same or similar content as other sites you may have listed in the directory.
However, rather than waste further time and bandwidth, I'm removing the .com listing from the directory and adding the version within UK Shopping. It should show up within a few days.


Mar 14, 2004
jimnoble]But our [url=]submission guidelines[/url said:
, which you acknowledged you agreed at submission time, include However, rather than waste further time and bandwidth, I'm removing the .com listing from the directory and adding the version within UK Shopping. It should show up within a few days.

:) Many thanks Jim for all your help in resolving this matter and I appreciate why you stick to your principles, more power to you keep up the good work its nice to meet someone who actually gives a @#$%.
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